Bernie Bros already undercutting Sherrod Brown for 2020?

If you’re a Republican or conservative who was, shall we say, a bit “frustrated” at the massive herd of GOP candidates who showed up for the 2016 primary, you’ll at least have the benefit of watching the Democrats go through the same thing for 2020. But won’t they at least wait until we’re done with the midterms? Perish the thought! There are some indications that it’s starting already.


All eyes are still on Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who energized the Left like nobody’s business and came within striking distance of stopping Hillary Clinton. Will he try again? Bernie isn’t saying, but some of his supports may be trying to soften up the ground for him a bit. Another possible contender is Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. More than a few Democrats have mentioned that Brown has the sort of hard-left appeal that excites the Bernie Bros, but without all the “crazy uncle” imagery. Plus, being from the critical swing state of Ohio doesn’t hurt either.

But Bernie is such a nice guy, right? He’s not going to start undercutting one of this own allies this far out from the actual primary. True enough. But he’s got some unofficial surrogates who might. Enter Jim Dean and Josh Hoxie. Dean is the brother of a former Democratic presidential contender himself. That’s right… Howard Dean. He’s also the guy now in charge of his brother’s former group, Democracy for America. Hoxie is a former Bernie staffer and now works with the left-wing Institute for Policy Studies.

Both of them are working on what could be written off as a basic policy debate. They’re singing the song of the Democrats who oppose the so-called “tax breaks for private jet owners” which you’re hearing so much about on MSNBC and other liberal outlets. Nothing out of place there, right? Except that Sherrod Brown was the co-author of that particular tax policy.


Here’s Dean’s assault on tax breaks for the rich and famous. Notice some of the language employed. (The Hill, emphasis added)

As the holidays near and most of us get ready to jam Christmas gifts into our stuffed carry-ons or spend a night in O’Hare thanks to a broken lavatory smoke detector, private jet owners are preparing to fly in the lap of luxury, skipping the long lines and unnecessary delays that face everyone flying commercial.

While these affluent fliers jet off to their holiday destinations, commercial airline travelers like us are the ones footing bill for their use of air traffic control (ATC) and other critical infrastructure — a billion-dollar tax subsidy.

If Republicans are serious about giving the middle-class tax relief, it’s time to end our absurd subsidization of the wealthiest 1 percent and make sure those flying around in their Gulfstream IVs aren’t enjoying our country’s shared aviation infrastructure without paying their fair share of the taxes needed to pay for it.

This isn’t just a tax policy argument. It’s a campaign speech in the making. Fly in the lap of luxury … in their Gulfstream IVs. While, of course, most of us who fly commercial are facing long lines and unnecessary delays. Standard class warfare dogma, but it’s being aimed directly at Sherrod Brown, or at least his handiwork in the tax bill.


Then there’s Hoxie’s article. (IPS)

The private jet lobby – and their super-wealthy passengers – have created a parallel universe of perks and privileges that would shock most commercial passengers if they knew about them. In both tax policy and homeland security, the high flyers have used their power to create one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for the rest of us.

This report examines how they are publicly subsidized, the security threats they pose, and the detrimental environmental impact they present.

Huh. Sounds rather… familiar, doesn’t it? Super-wealthy… perks and privileges… shock most commercial passengers… set the rules for the rest of us.

Dean and Hoxie aren’t the only ones. Kamala Harris of California (also frequently mentioned as being on the All Girl Power Ticket with Kirsten Gillibrand) published her own similar assault with pretty much the same language. And all of these attacks are going after a key policy initiative which came straight from the pen of their Democratic ally and presumably friend, Sherrod Brown.

Maybe it’s all a coincidence. Perhaps they just really don’t like that virtually meaningless nugget in a massive tax code revision. But can’t you just picture Bernie Sanders standing at the lectern in the 2020 primary, railing against false progressives who supported the perks and privileges for the super-wealthy that would shock most of us who have to ride in coach on commercial flights? And that’s followed by a mournful, sidelong glance at Sherrod Brown, standing five podiums away, inviting the MSNBC panel to explain it after the debate ends.


It all seems just a bit too convenient… but oh, so fun to watch if you’re a conservative.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024