Lena Dunham may have just locked up the nomination for Donald Trump

Since politics as we used to know it is apparently dead and gone, what the heck? We may as well dive into this story. You’re probably already at least somewhat familiar with actress Lena Dunham of Girls fame and her unabashed lurch into the world of politics. She’s a major Hillary Clinton supporter and has done her level best to raise money for her and push the young folks toward electing the historic First Female President. But now she may be inadvertently influencing conservatives around the nation and giving GOP frontrunner Donald Trump one last push toward the finish line. How? Well… she’s offering a very tasty reward if you agree to support the Manhattan business mogul. (The Hill)


Lena Dunham promises to move to Canada if Trump wins

“I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will,” Dunham told Andy Cohen at the Matrix Awards on Monday.

“I know a lovely place in Vancouver and I can get my work done from there.”

Never one to miss a cue on social media, Trump jumped on that bandwagon with lightning speed.

Not only would Donald Trump not mind if certain celebrities flee the United States upon his election, the Republican front-runner said Tuesday that their opposition to his candidacy only increases his will to win.

During a telephone interview with “Fox & Friends,” Trump was asked about a tweet from Lena Dunham on Monday in which she vowed to leave the U.S. for Vancouver if he is elected president.

Trump’s response: “Well, she’s a B-actor. You know, she has no — you know, no mojo.”

“I heard Whoopi Goldberg too. That would be a great thing for our country,” Trump said, as the show flashed a graphic of celebrities who it said would leave the U.S. for Canada, including Dunham, Jon Stewart, and Rosie O’Donnell, with whom the Manhattan real-estate mogul has feuded for years.

Trump went on to refer to it as a “great service to our country” if he managed to drive Dunham to the Great White North. Perhaps she’ll share a moving van with Whoopi, Rosie and Jon Stewart. But is she serious? More to the point, are any of the people who threaten such a move every single election actually serious? Just last month NPR published a rather informal study on the subject and concluded that it actually does happen, but pinning down how widespread the phenomenon is turns out to be essentially impossible.


But is there ever a mass movement? Kind of. Maybe. It depends on what you mean by “mass,” really.

We know. It’s a crappy answer. But it’s a tough question to answer because the Canadian government has data on how many people move there, but not on why they move. When asked the “I’m moving after this election” question, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada sent NPR data on Americans who gain permanent residency status in Canada (gaining permanent residency is a necessary step toward gaining Canadian citizenship).

So there were spikes in Canadian immigration in the 24 to 32 month period following both the 2000 and 2008 elections. (It takes that long for most applications to be processed.) Does that mean people were fleeing the new administration and the impending implosion of America? Some of them, but we’ll never know how many. And the odds of liberals actually doing it seems to be considerably higher because Canada is a more liberal country than the United States to begin with. Conservatives moving there won’t find much relief.

There’s also the economic factor to be considered. Somebody like Dunham or the other celebrities on the anti-Trump list can afford to drop everything and move their studio productions to Vancouver. For the average worker it’s not quite so simple. Still… you stick by your guns, Lena Dunham. We’ll all admire you for your principles and wish you the best in your new home country.



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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024