Quotes of the day

“I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” Cheney wrote. “I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.”


The statement, Cheney’s campaign said, was in response to reports a “push poll” in Wyoming was asking voters if they were aware Cheney “supports abortion and aggressively promotes gay marriage.”

“The people of Wyoming deserve an honest campaign,” Cheney said. “They should not be subject to the kind of dirty tricks this push poll represents.”

Cheney, who chairs a nonprofit on national security and education called Keep America Safe, is challenging Wyoming Republican Sen. Mike Enzi for his seat.

Enzi’s spokesman denied they were behind the poll.


Mary Cheney, the younger sister of Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Senate candidate, sharply criticized her sister’s stance on same-sex marriage and urged her own Facebook friends to share the message.

Posting on Facebook on Friday evening, Mary Cheney, who is gay and married her longtime partner last year, wrote: “For the record, I love my sister, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage.”

Their father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, supports same-sex marriage, and the younger Cheney echoed some of his language on the issue when she added, “Freedom means freedom for everyone.”

“That means that all families — regardless of how they look or how they are made — all families are entitled to the same rights, privileges and protections as every other,” Mary Cheney wrote.


Earlier Friday, Liz Cheney revealed her position on same-sex marriage, a topic she has kept relatively quiet about since declaring her candidacy in July against incumbent Senator Mike Enzi, Republican of Wyoming.


“Neither Mike Enzi’s campaign, nor anyone affiliated with his campaign, has conducted any polls in Wyoming,” spokesman Coy Knobel said in an email. “He would never support a push-poll, or tolerate anyone working for him who conducted one. For Liz Cheney to assert otherwise, without any proof whatsoever, shows more about her campaign than Mike Enzi’s.”

Knobel added: “Mike Enzi prefers to focus on traveling around the state and talking to people one-on-one. That tells him what he needs to know about what Wyoming people are thinking.”

UPDATE II: A Cheney campaign spokeswoman responds to the Enzi campaign’s statement to TheDC:

“This is an evasive answer,” spokeswoman Kara Ahern told TheDC. “Senator Enzi should instruct any entity, including the NRSC, doing polling on his behalf to stop this type of dirty tricks.”



The NRSC is also not polling in Wyoming, a spokesman said.

”With all due respect, it looks like Liz Cheney is fishing without a license again,” NRSC spokesman Brad Dayspring said.


As Wyoming Senate hopeful Liz Cheney rejected support for same-same marriage, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is taking her support one step further


Meanwhile, ties of friendship are enough for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She will become the first Supreme Court Justice to officiate a same-sex wedding.

She’s scheduled to preside over the Saturday nuptials of her friends, Kennedy Center President Michael M. Kaiser and economist John Roberts (no relation to the Supreme Court Chief Justice) in Washington, D.C.

“I think it will be one more statement that people who love each other and want to live together should be able to enjoy the blessings and the strife in the marriage relationship,” Ginsburg said, according to The Washington Post.

The 80-year-old, who recently said she has no plans to retire from the bench, also booked another wedding in September.

In June, Ginsburg was in the majority which ruled to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act and reinstated a lower court’s ruling, deeming California’s Prop 8 unconstitutional–a sweeping victory for LGBT rights and marriage equality.


Yesterday, Republican Senate Candidate Liz Cheney called on Senator Mike Enzi to commit to return his taxpayer-funded ObamaCare subsidy to the U.S. Treasury and to convince his Senate colleagues to do so, as well.

Tuesday Cheney called on Senator Mike Enzi and other elected officials to renounce special treatment that they will now receive under ObamaCare…


According to the Casper Star-Tribune, Enzi’s camp responded that he doesn’t support special treatment for lawmakers. And yesterday, in an interview, Enzi answered Cheney by saying he’s been trying to defund and dismantle ObamaCare since 2009 and will continue to do so.

It’s hard not to notice that Enzi failed to commit to return his special ObamaCare subsidy that is not available to his constituents…

Cheney has also launched an online petition, No More Special Deals for Congress. It urges Senator Mike Enzi and the other elected federal officials to renounce the special deal that members of Congress and their staffs are now getting under ObamaCare. The petition can be accessed here.


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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024