Coolsers: How a Visit to This Rural Vermont Library Can Actually Take You on a Trip to Another Country

In the early 1900s, one resident living here along Vermont’s border with Quebec, Canada had a desire to do something for her community.

“Martha Stewart, a very wealthy lady in her 70s, decided she wanted to do something for the two communities. Up to this point, she had a library in her home that she shared with friends,” says Kathryn Converse, with the Haskell Library, located in Derby Line, Vermont.


Kathryn Converse says Martha Stewart Haskell, set aside money to build a library and theater that was all located in one building By 1905 the theater and library were open and serving patrons who lived on both sides of the border, and a walk through this library reveals beautiful wood, glass and tin work.

The theater housed within the same building boasts great acoustics and elegant charm for those who come to watch many types of performances.

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