Kamala Harris’s Oakland Problem

I could offer the highest respect for a Democrat telling me, similarly:

“Kamala Harris is the most unaccomplished, inconsequential, uninspiring, irresolute major-party nominee of modern times—and perhaps ever. But Donald Trump is the earthly manifestation of Satan, so I’ll vote for Harris.”


I’d offer that person a fist-bump, a high-five, and wish of Godspeed. But I haven’t heard a single Harris supporter say anything remotely like that. And, as I argue below, Kamala Harris is the most unaccomplished, inconsequential, uninspiring, irresolute major-party nominee of modern times—and perhaps ever. You may hate Trump, but he has accomplishments, he has long been consequential, he inspires a sizable portion of the American public, and he is self-sure in the extreme.

Gertrude Stein hailed from Oakland, California and famously said of her hometown, “There’s no there there.” Kamala Harris is also from Oakland, and one could as easily apply Stein’s witticism to Harris.

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