So When Did We All Start Trusting Regime Media Again?

Townhall Media

Six months ago, I was definitely counted among the people who recognized that Donald Trump would ultimately become the Republican nominee, but would not be able to overcome his negatives from 2020 enough to build a winning campaign in 2024. 

Joe Biden's dismal performance as president, with Kamala Harris right by his side every step of the way enabling that dismal performance, changed my mind. Democratic governance just isn't working anymore, and the right track/wrong track polling is so lopsided, a Trump victory in November isn't just possible now, it is very likely.

Up to the day of the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, there were some absolute constants that really had nothing to do the candidates themselves. 

On June 26th, a joint poll between the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University measured the American public's trust in regime media. The survey was taken in six swing states, and the results were striking. 

Americans simply don’t trust the media, particularly when it comes to politics. Swing-state polling from The Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University found that only 3 in 10 residents of six of the most important states in this year’s presidential election trust that the media will fairly and accurately report political news. Seven in 10 indicated that they had not too much trust in that occurring — or that they had no trust at all.

Only 30% of swing state residents had any trust in media. And who could blame them? Joe Biden's cognitive decline had been on display for years, accelerating rapidly during 2024, and yet media lied over and over about the capabilities of the addled 81-year-old president. 

This montage was produced by Grabien on June 15th, two weeks before Joe Biden exposed regime media as liars and cover-up artists. But you, Hot Air readers, knew two things - 1) Biden was not up to this gig for another four years, and 2) media was lying to you. 

Now let's talk about Kamala Harris, who spent right up to the day before she announced she was going to seek the Democratic nomination in Chicago lying to you about how sharp Joe Biden was. 

She was lying about the mental fitness of Joe Biden, and most of America knows it. In addition, her performance as vice president was cringe-inducing enough that people knew she was not ready to be president. 

Politico ran a story on June 12th, again, two and a half weeks before Joe Biden demonstrated to everyone in the world at that debate he wasn't wearing any clothes, showing that a poll they conducted with Morning Consult revealed deep liabilities for Harris

Harris faces pessimism about her future role in the party from a bloc of Democrats and a far larger share of independents. The poll found that a majority of voters don’t view Harris as a strong leader (48 percent to 42 percent). Nor do they see her as trustworthy (46 percent to 43 percent). 

Harris scored in the high 70s with Democrats on both questions, but is in the mid-30s with independents. Voters overall were split when asked whether she is prepared for the job as well as if she cares about people like them. 

She performed relatively well on issues like health care, gender inequality and LGBTQ+ rights, but is well below a majority in terms of how much voters trust her to handle immigration (40 percent), relations with China (37 percent) and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (35 percent).

She was upside down on trust, even with Democrats included in the polling sample, and at or under 40% on foreign policy and national security issues. 

Tim Walz, the socialist-neighborly governor of Minnesota who didn't actually deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan, despite his misleading rhetoric claiming otherwise, lied to you as well. He doubled down on the lie at the White House a week after Biden's fatal debate performance, emerging from a meeting to claim Biden was still fit as a fiddle. 

What happened next? Biden all but ended his political career with the worst debate performance since Admiral James Stockdale asked, "Who am I? Why am I here?" Regime media scrambled immediately to put out the five-alarm fire consuming their credibility, and actually committed straight-up reporting for three weeks. They intensified when they got signals from Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama, and other party elites, and the resulting pressure pushed Joe Biden out of the 2024 race. 

Kamala Harris consolidated support as the replacement nominee in record time, due more to the fact that the change was so late in the campaign cycle calendar than anything Harris said or has done as vice president. Once the changeout happened, regime media once again pivoted on a dime to begin the psyop campaign to get her elected. Coronated is more accurate, actually. 

All of a sudden, we're to believe she's winning in swing states. She's winning head-to-head nationally. Tim Walz is now America's dad. All the kids think it's cool that she's going to win in November. Here's my question. When did we as a nation start believing the media again? How is Kamala Harris more believable now, more trusted, when literally no one has a clue of what she currently believes? 

We know what's in her heart, because she's been very consistent with her word salad statements going back to her days as San Francisco District Attorney. She was no less radical as Attorney General of California. And even though her time in the United States Senate was a way station on her journey to the White House, it was marked with policies as left-wing as anything Bernie Sanders could conjure. 

The smokescreen currently being pumped out 24/7 by regime media is certainly impressive, in a dystopian novel kind of way, but are Americans really buying all of this? I don't think so. 

CNN just earlier on Thursday released the breaking news literally out of the Hamas Health Ministry. 


Cleve Wootson, Washington Post White House correspondent, was so incensed that Donald Trump was being given a platform on X to such a potentially huge audience by Elon Musk that he asked, begged, pleaded with Karine Jean-Pierre at the White House press briefing to do something, anything to stop the event from taking place. 

Even Stephen Colbert on his Late Show program inadvertently revealed that his left-leaning audience doesn't believe the media shoots straight with people. Watch this question he asks CNN's Kaitlan Collins, and how the audience spontaneously laughs at how preposterous his premise is.

Dana Bash was not thrilled with Trump's appearance on X, and presented one clip as a takeaway for her audience. 

Now I follow this stuff pretty closely. I know most readers of this website do as well. But if you are that 3 out of 10 who trust the media, you might come away from this thinking to yourself, "Wow, Trump and Musk are pretty cavalier about the loss of life on Hiroshima and Nagasaki". And let's set aside the morality of why the atomic bomb strikes saved potentially millions more by stopping the war that would have raged for months or years longer. That's an argument for a different day. The problem with this clip is it's intentionally reported out of context, and Dana Bash knows it

They were talking about energy, and specifically, the need for investment in nuclear power. And if one is truly honest about clean energy, they're promoting nuclear power. It is by far the cleanest form of energy available, and Musk and Trump were simply pushing back at the alarmist rhetoric that's been used by the anti-nuke crowd for decades. 

For all the nonsense we've heard about how zones around nuclear plants would be uninhabitable for a thousand years if a full meltdown took place, the evidence has not borne out to support that hysteria. 

Musk's example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki buttresses his argument. In 1945, Nagasaki's population was around 200,000 people. Today, Nagasaki is fairly static at 392,000. Hiroshima before the bomb had a population of 255,000. Today, it has 2,063,000 residents. In just under 80 years, let alone a thousand years, both places are thriving. Even Chernobyl, the biggest nuclear disaster on record, has most regions surrounding it safe enough to visit today. I wouldn't want to live there, yet, because, well, it's Ukraine. But it's not going to take as long as the hysteria predicts. Life just seems to find a way. 

This sugar high of polling you're seeing for Kamala Harris is a regime media presentation. It won't last. It can't last. The underlying fundamentals of how Americans view purveyors of news won't support gaslighting for that long. 

Kamala Harris is not a strong enough candidate to hide the ball on her record, Joe Biden's record, and what policies she currently espouses from now until November. At some point, the air candidacy is going to reveal the airhead at the center of it all. 

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is getting his messaging back on track this week. He kept to a common sense message which resonates. Here's author, investor, and venture capitalist, James Altucher.


Trump is scheduled for another press conference later today at Bedminster. He needs to stay focused on issues Americans care about, and ask them the Reagan question - Are you better off than you were four years ago?. 

According to sneak previews, Kamala Harris is going to offer her solution to high prices on Friday - price controls.


Just set price caps. That'll fix it.

One of the great lines in all of cinema was from Chariots of Fire. When Harold Abrahams, an English Jew competing in the 1924 Olympics hired a special coach to make up the speed gap between him and Scottish Christian Eric Liddell, his coach, Sam Mussabini, said, "We can't put in what God left out." 

God put plenty of ambition in Kamala Harris, to be certain. What he left out was any other discernible political talent or intellectual curiosity. That truth, along with Kamala's governing incompetence, will come out soon enough. 

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024