We Really Need To Talk About Joe Biden's Speeches in Las Vegas Tuesday

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

I mentioned in a post last night that Joe Biden has a splendiferous new idea for how to combat inflation, especially for renters across the country. What was originally meant as a promise to implement an unconstitutional 5% rate hike cap on rents across the board turned into Joe Biden putting a dollar amount on the cap - $55 per year. 

I also mentioned at the end of that post that there's more, so much more in that address, and the one that immediately followed it at the Vote To Live Action Fund that needs to be covered. 

Team Biden's media blitz to undo the damage at the debate a couple weeks ago with Donald Trump, such that it is, has thus far consisted of one-on-one interviews with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, Lester Holt of NBC News, The Complex podcast with Speedy Morman, and now BET with Ed Gordon. He's also done a couple low-key rallies and delivered a couple speeches. In every setting, the goal of the President is to advance the narrative that the debate was a one-off bad night, that he's perfectly fine, nothing more to see here. The problem, of course, is that with each successive Biden appearance, he's demonstrates conclusively that Debate Night Biden is a feature these days, not a bug. 

I'll get to the rest of Joe Biden's twin disasters in the desert in a bit, because they really were that stunningly bad. But first, about that BET interview, consented to only because Joe Biden is hemorrhaging Black voters according to virtually all available polling, Biden actually cracked the door a little bit to possible exiting, stage far left. 

If docs tell him it's time to go, he'll leave? Was that message approved by Dr. Jill Dr. Biden, Ed. D. and Convicted Felon Hunter Biden? Sanjay Gupta is a doc. He's said on CNN that it's time. Or does it have to be the personal doc, the one that also happens to have business ties to the President, to tell him, "Boss, it's time, and I'd love one of those pardons as long as you're doling them out?"

Back to Biden's Panderpalooza in Vegas. The day began with a speech to the NAACP convention, followed up by an address to the Vote To Live Action Fund. They were roughly 20-minute mixtures of sophistry, faux anger, with an undercurrent of being delivered by someone far enough down the road of mental decline that people around him should be looking for a rest stop in order to pull over the car. Here's Biden trying to pivot from the assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday to the Black audience to which he's there to pander. 

It's stunning, it's sick...and it's untrue. Using 2021 data, 2,590 kids 18 and under died under the category of gun violence. Overall, of the U.S. population that died as a result of gun violence, 57% of them were suicide. The percent of child mortality by gun violence being suicide versus homicide isn't as clear-cut, but the ratio is not far off from the overall population. 

In 2021, 1,184 kids under 13 died in auto accidents, while teens 13-19, including teen drivers, resulted in 3,084 fatalities, or a total of 4,268. Cars are more deadly to kids than guns by 64%. And if fatalities to kids is what you truly care about, enough to get angry and start yelling, try this stat on for size. In 2021, 625,978 legal abortions took place. That's 240 times more deadly to children than gun violence, but Joe doesn't scream at all about there being too many abortions in this country. 

The obligatory use of a news event to advance the gun control agenda. An AR-15 was used to attempt to kill Donald Trump Saturday, so naturally, according to Joe Biden's twisted logic, we need to ban all AR-15s...for the children. Again, roughly half of the children killed by a gun are tragically by their own hand, usually gripping a handgun, not a rifle. It's just not a serious argument. 

Ah, yes, the 2020 Summer of Love protests were mostly peaceful. Never mind the federal buildings, private businesses, and cars that were burned. Forget the looting, stabbings, and injuries to over 900 police officers nationwide. In Joe Biden's deluded head, it was mostly peaceful. Perhaps he could become a CNN field reporter after he's done being president. 

This is just a flat-out lie. In 2020, the average household in America needed to bring in $59,000 annually to handle an average mortgage on an average home. Today, under Bidenomics, that same household would need to bring in $106,000 each year to qualify for the same mortgage. The home affordability train not only left the station years ago, it's a bullet train and some people will never have a chance to catch it without serious economic reforms that Democrats are unwilling to make. 

Once you get through the wandering odyssey of Joe Biden, Delaware geographer, you get angry Joe Biden. Why does it always seem to be the case that when he starts talking about Black people, he ends up yelling? 

You know who else has a Black job? Clarence Thomas. Joe Biden would rather he not be in that job, however.

No one has lowered the deficit. Sunset provisions on Congressional pandemic relief packages, passed while Biden was outside of public service, slowed the rate of bleeding out, but it had nothing to do with the President or his policies, and still resulted in trillion dollar-plus deficits. As for Joe Biden's record? We've been adding a trillion dollars to the debt every 100 days for the last 200 days. 

Biden basically wants a federal takeover of elections, and yet we're told that it's Donald Trump that is the threat to democracy. 

Come on. They never left Beijing proper. They were never up in the Tibetan mountains. That's fiction that only resides in Joe Biden's head.  At the Vote To Live address a bit later, here's more Joe Biden. 

Glad to know Joe's getting right on that rent problem. As for already having done something to lower rents, they're currently 21.5% higher than when he took office. What he's done for the price of gasoline, he's done with rents. You're welcome. 

You'll be glad to learn that in Joe's next 100 days, you'll own more and owe less. Of course, in Joe's first 1,242 days, exactly the opposite is true. 

No clue. It's Brain liquifaction. In fact, the takeaway from Biden's day in the desert, besides the policy inanity and history revision, is that Joe Biden had cranial vapor lock not once, not twice, but three times in the NAACp address alone, and that didn't even last half an hour. 

It's truly painful to watch. Remember, Joe Biden keeps trying to tell anyone who will listen that his performance in the debate was a one-off, a black swan event of badness. And yet, he keeps slipping. 

Keep it short? Too late. Now for the big finish to the day. 

Okay, that's not awkward at all, is it? He's a mess. If the assassination attempt had not happened, if the Republican National Convention were not taking place in Milwaukee this week, the big story of the week would still be Joe Biden not being mentally or physically up to the job of being president, and certainly not able to make the case that he should be given power for four more years. 

But when you add in everything in the news cycle for the last week, the tailwind for Republicans is something I haven't seen since Ronald Reagan's re-elect in 1984. 

As Mitch Berg, the great Northern Alliance blogger warned on X, George H.W. Bush was way ahead in 1992 until he wasn't, and Bill Clinton beat him. Don't get cocky, Mitch says. I take that counsel, and will not let up on the gas one little bit until the election is called. 

But you can't beat something with nothing, and Joe Biden, just in looking at the clips from this post, is no Bill Clinton. Heck, at this rate, he's not even Hillary Clinton. 


Update: Changed a reference from 2004 to 1984. 

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024