Academia Anti-Semitism: It's Not Just Happening At Elite Schools In The East

AP Photo/Charles Knoblock

It has become disturbingly all too familiar after the 10/7 massacre of 1,400 Israelis, thus far, by the Nazi death squads sent by Hamas and Iran out of Gaza. At what used to be considered elite institutions of higher learning, the rush to defend the butchery as justified have broken out at places like Harvard, Columbia, UPenn, and Northwestern.


Yale, in their quest to never cede any high ground to Harvard on anything, decided to get into the anti-Semitism game with their own series of protests.

At George Washington University, after anti-Semitic statements were projected onto school buildings for hours Tuesday night, the university has now decided to cancel an upcoming diversity summit out of respect for the anti-Israel protesters. Irony is officially dead on that campus.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech that remains one of the most important and long-lasting moral markers for what should be understood as right and wrong in America at Cooper Union College in New York. On Wednesday, Jewish student literally were trapped for the afternoon in the school’s library as the anti-Semitic barbarians were quite literally at the door.

At Brandeis University, a non-sectarian Jewish university in Massachusetts founded after World War II, saw their student government vote down overwhelmingly a resolution condemning the pogrom conducted by Hamas on October 7th.


But lest you think this rot on campuses is contained to schools east of the Mississippi, don’t be fooled. Academia has been for years, and is currently, poisoning the minds of young people from coast to coast.

At the University of Washington-Seattle, an anti-Semitic rally was held on campus, and protesters there said the quiet part out loud. We don’t want Israel to exist. We don’t want pro-Israel counter-protesters on campus here to exist.

KTTH-AM770 host Jason Rantz got a statement from the office of U. Washington-Seattle President Ana Mari Cauce. This was their response after a rally on her campus called for the extinction of Jews in Israel and on her campus.

We understand the fear the Jewish community is feeling during this very difficult time. We are aware of events such as today’s walk-out, which are not condoned or otherwise supported by the University. The UW’s Division of Campus Community Safety staff are working to ensure safety for the campus community. This has been and will likely continue to be a difficult academic year in ways none of us could have foreseen before October 7. We are dedicated to the safety of our Jewish community members and to maintaining UW as a place where every student knows that they are welcome and supported.


I seem to recall a period of time not too long ago on college campuses across the country, when the subject was the rights of black lives, and then a little later when the narrative related to members of the LGBT community. Hate has no home here. Love is love. Black lives matter. Coexist (with all the religious symbols substituted in for the letters). Those slogans were all the rage. They don’t see very applicable now when all the target of the hate, the lack of tolerance, is aimed at Jews.

At UC Berkeley, Professor Victoria Huynh offered her class on Wednesday extra credit for attending an anti-Semitic Jew-hating rally on campus at Sproul Plaza.

And at Stanford University, the Palestinian Diaspora students, their moniker, not mine, a list of demands were issued to school administration officials.

Here’s just a partial list of their non-negotiables.

Stanford issues an explicit condemnation of Israel’s war crimes and calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Stanford provides dedicated resources for Palestinian and Palestinian Diaspora students on campus, developed in conversation with SJP, ASAS, and MSU.

Included in this section is this demand.

Full round trip covered by University upon the signing of a ceasefire for students to visit their family and friends and grieve properly.


The demand screed continues.

Stanford establishes an investigative committee to correct the directives, faculty, and research initiatives contributing to subjugation of Palestinian people.

Included in this section are demands to out the secret Jew money flowing to the University, and demanding that all tech research and development be catered to providing relief to Palestinians in Gaza.

And my personal favorite, the demand that Stanford officially adopt as school policy economic anti-Semitism, the BDS movement.

Stanford commits to the Palestinian movement to Boycott, Divest from and Sanction Israeli entities and companies complicit in Israeli war crimes.

As I said, this moral rot is pervasive all across the country. It would probably be a shorter list to show schools that don’t have a metastasizing anti-Semitism problem, rather than shaming and outing the ones that do. So what to do?

As the Boss wrote yesterday, take the federal government out of the financing of university education business. He’s absolutely right. But that’s only one step.

Polling shows that Americans of parent or grandparent age are vastly supportive of Israel when it comes to this conflict with the Palestinians. They’re horrified at what they’re seeing in the Middle East, and they’re horrified by what they’re seeing on college campuses here. But while horror at seeing 20th Century Nazism and hate rebranded under a new header in the United States well into the 21st Century is an appropriate reaction, we in this generation have to do something substantive about it. High school seniors are in college application season. Until now, the politics and curriculum being taught on campus was secondary to the prestige of the school to which students are applying, what their acceptance rate is, and how much it’s going to cost. That all has to change. I would venture to say that most parents love their kids. Most grandparents love their grandkids, and would do anything in the world to support them – emotionally and financially, when it comes to embarking on their collegiate career, if that’s indeed their goal. Now imagine seeing your kid go off to begin their freshman year and by the time they come home four years later, if they come home, they’re Jew-hating genocidal maniacs. The paradigm of a school’s name value and/or prestige needs to go out the window. It should no longer be of any consideration, if you truly care about the health, well-being and future of your child.


If you’re a grandparent and your grandson or granddaughter comes to you and says, “Hey, I just got accepted to Columbia, can I count on you to pitch in and help out,” you have a moral obligation to say that because I love you and care about what you become, no. Normal people have to say no to spending money on education that is literally poisoning and ruining the single greatest asset they have in their lives – their kids. Just say no. You have to limit your available college help to schools and universities that aren’t pandering to anti-Semites. Woke is bad enough. 21st Century Nazism is much worse.

I have been pleased to see private foundations and some corporate CEO’s that serve on boards of colleges take stands against this anti-Semitic garbage, closing off the purse strings to future grants and/or donations to their alma maters. That is a huge step. But it’s not enough. If you’re the CEO of a company, large or small, you owe it not only to the health of your own company and your customers, you also owe it to the country, to put a hiring filter against people that come out of the worst anti-Semitic offenders in academia. You have to do more due diligence on applicants’ social media postings. You have every legal right to not hire modern-day equivalents to Hitler youth. That’s bad for the bottom line. If you run a charter school, you wouldn’t want to hire Nazis working for you as teachers any more than you would want to hire Communist Chinese Party agents, convicted pedophiles, Ku Klux Klan members, or any other fringe elements.


This is not a Constitutional issue. Every wingnut in this country has the Constitutional right to be an anti-Semitic creep if they so choose to be. But you also in this country bear the responsibility to be held accountable for your words and deeds. If you’re a Wiccan, you’re allowed to be a Wiccan. It also probably means you’re probably not the right fit as a hire for a Christian private school.

We can’t count on the Democratic Party to rein in the anti-Semitism that is raging in their midst. They will instead try to point to J-6 Republicanism and Donald Trump as the biggest domestic threat facing our democracy. The Republicans just found a new Johnson to be the mayor of Rock Ridge, er, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. I hope Speaker Johnson and the House GOP conference rebounds from their month-long national embarrassment and begins to focus once again on things that matter. Robust support for Israel, both verbally as well as financially, would be a good start. But as is the case with most of the important things, government is not the answer. You and I will ultimately be the answer. We can’t just vote with our feet, although turning out raging anti-Semites politicians, regardless of party, is essential. But we have to use our eyes and ears, recognize what is going on in the culture around us, and make a conscious decision not to contribute to academia absorbing another generation of our kids. Your acceptance rate of colleges needs to be as stringent, and actually more so, than their acceptance rate of applicants.


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