
What if a Marxist actually became president?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Do you remember the good old days when the United States fought communism? It doesn’t seem like very long ago when we were living in a society that viewed the tenets of Karl Marx as radical and extreme, so much so that adherents to his political beliefs had to keep that on the down low in order to keep whatever position of influence they held.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not naïve. Marxism has been a metastasizing cancer within academia for decades. Labor unions have existed largely on the platforms of Marx’ teachings. But in the world of politics at the highest levels, you couldn’t get elected unless you at least claimed to be a capitalist, even if your liberal heart wasn’t in it.

Joe Biden’s policies thus far have very much espoused the new Marxism that has taken over too may sectors of American life, from the boardrooms to the classrooms. Instead of the same tired, old class warfare rhetoric, though, many in the Biden administration have dressed the same principles up in racial overtones and offered up DEI – diversity, equity, inclusion. DEI has infected academia at a pandemic-level rate of spread, and we’re seeing companies from Anheuser-Busch to Disney to Target that have gotten way out in front of their skis on wokeness only to find that the country just isn’t as Marxist as they want them to be.

But Joe Biden himself? I’m not sure he’s actually a Marxist. I think he’s a pure capitalist. Looking at the way he and his family use the name and the brand of Biden in order to enrich themselves while serving in public office, you might say they’re crony capitalists. But nevertheless, their personal behavior doesn’t indicate they act as though they are in the same class as everyone else. Biden believes he’s better than you. All the good Marxists think they’re the chosen ones that should be exempt from being subjected to the equity they want everyone else to achieve.

Kamala Harris, though, that may be a different story. It’s hard to make of how much of a believer in Marxist theory Vice President Harris is, mainly because listening to her interviews and speeches, it’s hard to make out whether she can think or philosophize her way out of a paper sack. But if you give her credit that she’s not really a moron and intentionally trying to be as obtuse as the Julia-Louis Dreyfus character in Veep, she has said quite a few things to make you wonder about what the world would look like if she were to ascend to the presidency if, God forbid, Joe Biden really can’t make it all the way to the election, and she essentially becomes the incumbent nominee for the Democratic Party in 2024 by default.

Harris has been on a college tour of sorts, visiting most recently Hampton University in Virginia, and North Carolina AGT in Greensboro. Her recurring theme? The need for continued DEI everywhere, and that the extreme position now is the polar opposite of what it was just a few years ago. If you’re against DEI, if you oppose equity, you’re the extremist.

This is a clear shot at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who could end up becoming her 2024 opponent if Donald Trump doesn’t get the nomination, and Joe Biden’s obvious incapacitation as president continues its steady increase, causing her to fill out the current term of office. DeSantis has famously made “Florida is where woke goes to die” as part of his campaign stump speech, because it resonates when you think about it.

The argument is as old as Marx himself. Capitalists view the ideal as having equal opportunity. In the United States, if you work as hard as you can and take the steps to improve yourself, you can, and often times, succeed. It’s the great American story. Millions of people in our history have literally started with nothing, and many in fact came to our shores with nothing, and yet learned, persevered, worked, and their determination was rewarded with wealth and success. That can happen if everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. We certainly haven’t always had that in America, to our great shame. And even though we still have more progress to achieve on that front, by and large, regardless of your age, race, gender, there really are no barriers to success. If you have an innovative spirit and the tenacity to see it through no matter what, you have the ability to thrive in this country in a way unlike anywhere else in the world.

Marxism doesn’t care about the opportunity. That’s not the goal. The goal is everyone gets the same result once government doles it out. You will be happiest not worrying about things if you just get meted out what you need in the same proportion as everyone else, except for those in charge of doling it out in the first place. Those people in government always seem to do a little better in the Marxist model, for some reason. Harris is expressly calling for an equity system, not an opportunity system, and that those who are against equity are the extremists. That’s a reversal for where we were in politics a generation ago. Even Barack Obama didn’t couch Marxism this brazenly. He was more nuanced about it.

This is the vehicle used by the New Marxists – race. It solves everything. Instead of class warfare, which has tended to fade in America as the decades passed and more and more Americans live a pretty good life, if you paint America as racist, that minorities still don’t get the same successes as everybody else, you can insert the tenets of Marxism into racial issues, and politicians can exploit it for their electoral gain. Environmental issues can now easily be joined at the hip with racial issues. Minorities live in areas more effected by climate issues. Climate issues are caused by people who have more things that produce carbon. Therefore, we need to cut everybody down to the same level of carbon output so it’s fair and less racist. It’s twisted logic, but it’s still the same old Marxist ideology wrapped up in a hip, modern package.

Notice at the end, Harris says if we want equal outcomes, as if that’s now a given, and anyone who doesn’t want that is the extremist. No, I don’t want equal outcomes. I believe equal outcomes are intrinsically evil. If you have the same outcome as anyone else regardless of the amount of effort that is put in, why, we’d all become NPR reporters. The model just never works. But give Harris her premise. If that’s the society we want, we (the government) have to make adjustments.

Kamala Harris making adjustments as president terrifies me. My hope is that prospect terrifies a majority of the country as well. I know we’re talking about a hypothetical situation, but did you see Joe Biden perform last week? The man’s not well. I’ve followed the rise of Kamala Harris, being a lifelong resident of the Golden State. Harris studied at the feet, and some would say other anatomy, apparently, of former California Assembly Speaker and kingmaker Willie Brown. She’s had several public jobs – Attorney General, Senator, Vice President. She’s only ever wanted one. She’s one heartbeat away from achieving that goal, and the heartbeat in her way is getting ready to introduce people to the wall unit during a speech.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025