
Just when you thought media was in the tank on climate change coverage...

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

So I take it that the temperature outside is a tad elevated, regardless of wherever around the globe you happen to be. I also note if media coverage is to be believed, we’re all about to die in a grotesque manner as if God Himself focused a magnifying glass on each one of us ants. Why? Because we drive cars and enjoy air conditioning.

I’ve written several times on the hysteria and religiosity surrounding the climate change movement. Could the climate be getting warmer? Of course. Is it entirely a manmade phenomenon due to carbon emission? That science, despite the alarmism, isn’t at all settled. And even if climate change were entirely manmade, is the resulting warming temperature going to be calamitous? That’s also very much in doubt. But there’s one element of certainly that has come with the uncertainty of climate change. Regime media’s move from reportage to propaganda, especially on the subject of climate change, has increased even faster than the average global temperature apparently has.

Media really began to jump the shark when George W. Bush became president. They ramped it up and lost their ever-loving minds when Donald Trump was elected. But nothing has been so transparently, nakedly insidious and metastasizing as how media tackles climate stories.

As we dive into this column, keep in mind the grifting element to climate stories in media that’s already been established. We learned back in February of 2022 that the Associated Press has taken millions of dollars from foundations and other non-profits to specifically write articles dressed up as news to advance the climate hysteria narrative. That’s just the beginning. Some of the headlines we read today are truly beyond parody.

Sky News posted this tweet linking through to a story and video package.

So we are apparently to believe that L.A.’s “blistering heatwave” of 2023 may have caused this poor automobile to spontaneously combust. So much material, so little column space.

First, the blistering heatwave of 2023, in Los Angeles, has consisted thus far of 3 days in the 70s, 7 days in the 80s, and 9 days in the 90s. How does that rank for Los Angeles historically in July? About average.

In 1907, It was over 100 degrees for three days in early July. It got to 98 degrees in 1930, 97 degrees in 1985, 1959, 1936, and 1925. Temperatures in July reached 96 degrees in 1925, 1930, 1935, 1943, 1981, and 1985. And Los Angeles recorded 95 degrees, the highest temperature in this year’s blistering car-melting heatwave, seven other times before this week. This level of heat is nothing new to this area, nor is it a record. And there was never a story before this week when we supposedly reached blistering temperatures where cars spontaneously combusted on the freeway. I guess it must because they don’t make cars the way they used to. Sadly, the charred remains in the picture don’t make it easy to see if the car in question was an EV, which actually do have a habit of spontaneously combusting. But that has nothing to do with the outside air temperature.

The correlation without causation factor here is epic. The car fire happened. It was really super hot outside. Media must point to a possible connection. That’s what passes for reporting these days. And if you push back, you’re branded a denier and a hater.

July isn’t even the hottest month normally in Southern California. Just wait until we get to late August and September. When I was in high school in the early 80s, I distinctly remember going to the first month of school when we had weeks on end of 100-plus degree heat before the weather finally broke and we moved into fall, where temps moderate back into the 70s and 80s around October. With another 10 degrees of heat expected in a month or two, which again is totally normal here, are we going to have Carmageddon II: Road Rage of Burning Fury? Of course, not.

And this isn’t even the BBC doing this nonsense reporting. It’s Sky News, for pity’s sake. You’d think they’d know better.

But what California probably will have is lots of wildfires. And you know what’s going to get the blame for that, right? Not the arsonists who are waiting for their proverbial time in the sun, but climate change. Vegetation is drying out all over the hills around here, turning into a perfect storm of fuel that can cause a lot of damage. Where did that vegetation come from? All of the rain we had earlier this year that happened unexpectedly, naturally because of climate change. Why was the rain unexpected? Because all the climate experts, and their willing transcribers in media, reported that because of climate change, we were going to continue on in another year of record drought. When we didn’t get the expected climate change-caused drought, and got exactly the opposite climate change-caused atmospheric rivers, the alarmist outcome of the stories written remained the same. They just had to reengineer the course they had to take in their narrative in order to reach the same conclusion.

Nationally, the hysteria over climate change reached peak Chicken Little on July 4th, when a heatwave in the States and around the world caused some “experts” to claim it was the hottest day in 125,000 years. Let’s just examine that for a second.

You know how they measure surface temperature on Earth, right? Since three-quarters of the globe is ocean, a lot of the measurements are taken from buoys and ships, as well as from some scattered weather stations on land. Know how the “experts” think they can tell what the temperature was 120,000 years ago? By measuring the width of tree rings and measuring oxygen isotope levels in glacial ice. Are there any trees growing around the world on the ocean that you can cut down and measure their trunks in order to have some analog for comparison to measurements today? Nope. But we’re preached to by press that this is definitive science.

Yet even these “experts” claim they are only making estimates. They don’t know anything. It’s their best guess. So let’s say that one old tree has a ring that’s a quarter of a millimeter outside of normal during whatever is considered to be a normal non-changing climate. That’s enough to base what we think the temperature pretty much was globally 110,000 years before mankind first walked the Earth. That’s not science. That’s faith. And honestly, saying this as a Christian, you have to have more faith to believe in this junk science than it takes to believe the story of Creation.

The hysteria continues unabated. On Twitter, the heatwave in the South, of which I experienced a bit of and am able to live to tell the tale, had this gem.

Extreme forecast of death, but is that historically true? Actually, no.

Our World In Data compiles the actual data, and as the Earth continues to heat up, the number of heat-related deaths has actually gone down.

The data is there on the macro level, but conveniently ignored from the narrative-driven stories. On a micro level, anecdotally, I can tell you that for me, it’s nonsense.

In the summer of 2020, during the pandemic, my family and I were totally done with lockdown, as was Florida, so we went to Orlando for a week. In August. It was mid-90s, 80-plus percent humidity. It was the most delightfully miserable week I’ve ever spent. It was hot. We were all sweaty. We had a ball, because we were outside and got to do stuff. We still talk about that trip fondly. We didn’t die. People in that park didn’t die, and that was also with COVID allegedly stalking everyone. You drink lots of fluids, and you press on. If it gets too hot, you stop and rest, and you get back in line. And this happened before I lost 50 pounds. I weighed about 250 then, and I still survived the outdoor furnace.

Finally, The Hill wasn’t satisfied comparing HeatWaveofDeath 2023 to the last 125,000 years. They’re trying to make the case that we could literally be entering a one-in-a-million heat cycle.

Now when you look at their handy graph of what they think the temps were for the last million years, notice anything resembling a pattern?

Long before the Humvees and coal-fired power plants, well before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, we got hot. Then we got cold. Then we got hot again. Then we got cold again. It’s almost as though the ecology of this rock is somewhat cyclical in nature.

When you add it all up – the wildly ridiculous news reports of climate-caused spontaneous car fires, John Kerry trying to justify his flying on private jets because his wife owns it, the Spanish minister flying to Great Britain for a climate summit on a private jet, traveling in a gasoline-powered motorcade until she got within 100 meters of the cameras at the drop-off zone before pulling over and bicycling the last bit for the optics of it all, I’ve had it.

Sorry, Greta. You’re on your own. I don’t believe any of it anymore. The sky is not falling.

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HotAir Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025