
CUNY turns out another winner of a lawyer - UPDATE: CUNY responds to criticism

The confirmation hearing exchange between Senator John Kennedy and Fatima Mousa Mohammed will be epic. And you know she’ll be appointed as a district judge by this White House in no time at all.

In case you missed all the patriotic and solemn stuff about sacrifice through the centuries in pursuit and defense of liberty and freedom, things that should be reflected on every day of the year instead of just today, a little blurb out of the City University of New York’s law school graduation a couple weeks ago. It’s not so much who they decided knew enough about the law to throw her a degree, but how she was celebrated and featured as a speaker, and the reaction she got that’s going to give you warm fuzzies.

Mohammed began her speech, again, chosen by the school and her peers to do so, by saying,

I chose CUNY school of law for its articulated mission to be law in the service of human needs…One of very few legal institutions created to recognize that the law is a manifestation of white supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world.

She went on to praise her school and their faculty for standing up to, “Systems that were created to feed an empire with a ravenous appetite for destruction and violence. Institutions created to intimidate, bully, and censor, and stifle the voices of those who to resist.”

While she gave her 13-minute address, wild cheers can be heard from friends, family, and colleagues in the audience.

She’s also not a fan of the state of Israel, and was not afraid to let her anti-Semitism show. In fact, she praised her school for essentially agreeing with her anti-Semitic look at the ongoing dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, claiming that Israel rains down bullets and bombs indiscriminately on Palestinians. 13 minutes in her speech, and the fact that thousands of Iranian–made rockets actually rained down on Israelis indiscriminately isn’t mentioned.

But lest you think she’s just another partisan Democrat, oh, no. She’s got things to say about Democrats, too.

Let us remember that daily brown and black men are being murdered by the state at Rikers…that there are refugees at the southern border who are still locked up.

That the murder of black men like Jordan Neely by a white man on the MTA is dignified by politicians like Eric Adams and Sen Chuck Schumer.

May [the joy, excitement and rage in the auditorium] be the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism around the world.

The best part about this story? The law school, after hearing her address, quietly removed the speech from its video on YouTube. But after a public outcry, it was restored.

Look, I’m not a censorship person. I’ve always been a supporter in the mold of Justice Louis Brandeis when it comes to speech. “If there be time to expose through discussion, the falsehoods and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.” In addition, when lefties and anarchists say crazy things, it makes for wonderful show prep.

Now you might say she pulled a fast one on the university. You may believe she snookered them into thinking she was going to deliver something other than what she delivered in her speech. I’m here to tell you that Ms. Mohammed is a known quantity, the school knew exactly what they were getting when offering her a chance to speak, and her vile beliefs were deemed to be a feature, not a bug.

The Canary Mission, which documents anti-Semitism on display without fear or favor, just the facts, dates, and times, has a file on Fatima Mousa Mohammed. This isn’t her first anti-Jewish rodeo.

From a May, 2021 rally sponsored by WOL, Within Our Lifetime, where she spoke, or rather, screamed.

I would like to extend my greetings to those that made today possible. From ’48 to this very day. I want to send my peace to the revolutionaries of ‘48 and the revolutionaries since that day until today.

To every revolutionary picking up a rock… We hear you and we are pained by your pain!”

Our resistance will not be policed. We will not rely on the moral consciousness of a nation [Israel] built on genocide to wake up. A nation that celebrates genocide with gratitude.

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!

She’s spoken at several of these rallies, been a big proponent of the BDS movement, and don’t even get me started on her tweets that have piled up. She has used and deleted several Twitter and Instagram accounts, but with the internet, things are forever, and Canary Mission cached them all, from saying the USA needs to fall as well as Israel not existing, in varying degrees of fanatical and homicidal intensity.

So why the fuss over this anti-Semitic Islamist zealot? Because she has shown a consistent, proven track record of calling for the destruction of the republic, by force if necessary. She glorifies violence, so long as her ultimate goal of Islamic revolution is achieved. Notice that there’s no speech by Attorney General Merrick Garland about this being listed even in the top ten of threats to the country. You’ll never hear Joe Biden mention the still-present Islamist terror threat as being out there and thriving not just in other parts of the world, but right here at home in our largest cities.

Charlie Wilson’s War was on TV over the weekend, and my wife and I sat down and watched it. Got to the end where Rep. Wilson, personal rogue that he was, saw the threat of the Soviets in Afghanistan, and maneuvered money and resources to arm the Mujahadeen to successfully drive the Soviets out of the country in retreat. The late Philip Seymour Hoffman playing the CIA handler asked the ‘what’s next’ question, meaning now that we’ve helped covertly liberate the country, what comes next? Wilson believed we should engage in some degree of nation-building as goodwill – schools, infrastructure, to show that America cared and would help them transition into modernity. There was no mood for that then, and we instead turned our backs. al-Qaeda and the Taliban immediately moved in, and within a generation, 9/11 happened.

20 years after the long war in Afghanistan and Iraq, Joe Biden pulled up stakes and bailed out again, abandoning Afghanis that fought alongside us to the same Taliban moving back in, and turning out backs on women that had just finally got a taste of freedom. We never seem to learn our lesson. And yet one day soon, when another attack happens on the homeland somewhere, we’re going to be shocked and angered that this happened. We shouldn’t be after our actions abroad and our aiding and abetting this extremism on our own university campuses.

You’d think if the FBI were really interested in rooting out extremism, they’d actually begin with people that actually have engaged in it in the recent past and are promising to do so again, instead of looking for Christian conservatives to persecute.

UPDATE: After some considerable online backlash, CUNY has issued a statement to clean up the anti-Semitic mess they allowed to happen.

Here’s the problem. They’re acting as though they’re shocked, shocked that there’s gambling in the casino. Ms. Mohammed has been a known quantity for years. If the law school cannot do a better job of vetting who speaks at commencement, perhaps they’re not the best place to get your law degree. Their judgment is very much in question.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024