
You may not be able to beat something with nothing, or can you?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Will Rogers coined the phrase in the pages of the New York Times back in 1934, and it largely remains true today. You can’t beat something with nothing. But when you have an administration that is void of any substance, essentially a nothing presidency, how probable in today’s political climate is it to beat nothing with something…anything?

After a Friday in which the president of the United States met with the small children of staffers, inviting one young girl unsupervised for some alone time in the Oval Office, and demonstrating that he has the short-term memory of a flea when another young girl reminded him which country he last visited (Ireland), he then met with the Air Force Academy Falcons and literally wandered off the set into oblivion after 12 minutes. And that was before he went to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and proudly stated that this was like any other event – talk for 10 minutes, don’t answer questions, wander away.

Biden has no current handle on virtually every crisis plaguing the country, foreign and domestic. Every other country in the free world has been at work getting their people out of Sudan. We’re just now thinking about the idea. The country’s credit cars is just about maxed out again because of Joe Biden’s inflation brought on by the Inflation Extension Act last year. Penn Wharton has revised their cost estimate of the stimulus bill, tripling its price tag to over a trillion dollars. The border, actually, both of them now, are sieves. Drugs and crime are rampant, and this is about all we can get out of Joe Biden.

I’m unclear exactly who we are talking about. He started that bit talking about Milley and hockey, and then it somehow got down to naked wrestling with Biden being a bad idea, as if I needed the president to put that idea into words. Or you have this policy discourse from the president.

I am very happy that the wrongfully detainees have been freed from Iranda. I can sleep better knowing that. And that’s just from this weekend. As Jonathan Martin from Politico, not exactly known around these parts as a conservative, said on This Week’s panel Sunday, this is really what the Dems have to offer the American voting public this time around? Really?

Ah, but if the elevator doesn’t go all the way up to top floor in this administration, for it to truly be a nothing administration, the Vice President has to be an empty pantsuit as well, right?

Okay, before all of you throw the yellow flag at me, yes, this is a doctored TikTok clip. However, this is Kamala Harris we’re talking about here. It didn’t take that much doctoring in the first place, and second, I seem to recall that the majority of the American people actually believe Sarah Palin said she saw Russia from her house, a line actually spoken by Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live impersonating the former GOP VP candidate. It was then propagated into the American culture by the regime media gleefully, so I’m all about having one rule here. Apparently, the rule is you don’t actually have to say something for it to be believable and used effectively.

The Democrats’ perpetual also-ran the last couple of cycles is Bernie Sanders, who isn’t even trying to hide what he wants. He wants everything over a billion dollars. All of it.

So guess what happens when taking all of it over a certain threshold isn’t enough to cover the deficit spending? Easy. You reduce the threshold. I mean, who really needs more than $500 million? Or if that’s not enough, $100 million? It’s just an arbitrary line written by people like Bernie who didn’t earn money but are more than happy to take it from those who did.

Now that we’ve established there’s no there there in this administration from top to bottom, can it be beaten with anything? Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t so sure.

I don’t think we’re even halfway through the first quarter of the GOP primary contest. Talk to me in June or July when everyone who is going to get in finally decides and people have real choices. As for beating nothing with something, the Ron DeSantis War Room has responded to the Florida Governor’s on COVID and reopening schools against charges from both Donald Trump and people like Anthony Fauci. In the latter’s case, the DeSantis camp seem to be more than willing and capable of doing what needs to be done to refute the allegations – bring the video receipts.

Long way to go, but I am inclined to believe that Will Rogers’ line still rings true. What gives me hope is that with this gang in the White House now, it won’t take much to beat them.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024