Carney on cancellations: Insurers "basically threw you off that plan," you know, not ObamaCare

Gone is yesterday’s equivocating defense on the millions of distributed insurance cancellations currently shattering the great ObamaCare myth that was “If you like your plan, you can keep it.” After Valerie Jarrett‘s… er… “creative” contribution to the discussion last night, Carney was much more prepared for the question at today’s White House briefing with a more shrewdly crafted offensive strategy — because as we’re all well aware by now, unintentional concessions (don’t even think about apologies, not gonna’ happen) rarely last long in this administration before giving way to well-rehearsed, righteously indignant spin-doctoring.


Today, even the White House agrees that the issue “deserves fuller explanation,” and the nutshell version of that explanation amounts to this: Basically, this entire mess is insurance companies’ fault because of the regular turnover in the individual insurance market, and for ever having dared to offer the less-than-fully comprehensive plans envisioned by ObamaCare or ever having limited their acceptance of pre-existing conditions in that market. …At least, that’s what I think he’s saying. It seems to be the hot new talking point, anyway. Click the pic to watch at RCP:

And one of the issues that the Affordable Care Act was designed to address was the need to provide greater security to those Americans who had no other option but to seek insurance on the individual market. So that’s the universe we’re talking about, 5% of the population. And I think the it’s important to know that, because in some of the coverage of this issue in the last several days, you would think that you were talking about 75% or 80% or 60% of the American population. So there’s that. As the law says and as the president made clear in the statements that you cite, if you had insurance coverage on the individual market when the Affordable Care Act was passed into law and you liked that plan and you wanted to stay on it even though it didn’t meet the minimum standards that the Affordable Care Act would bring into place on January 1, 2014, you can keep that coverage. You’re grandfathered in. That plan and your association with it are grandfathered in perpetuity. Not for a year, not for five years, but forever. But what is not the case is if your insurer basically threw you off that plan by telling you after a year or two that it was changing and said here’s your new option because your plan has changed, that that new plan is grandfathered in because how could that be? You can’t grandfather in a plan in 2010 that didn’t come into existence into 2012 or 2011.


So, essentially, no way did President Obama ever mislead anyone on the consequences of ObamaCare — which, really, fits in pretty nicely with the message Sebelius will evidently offer in her prepared testimony in front of the House committee investigating ObamaCare’s failures this week, because don’t you dare try to suggest that any of ObamaCare’s negative repercussions are actually the fault of the administration that hastily tried to remake an entire sixth of our domestic economy in their own self-construed image. Never.

Updated: Fixed a repeat-thought typo, oops.

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