Obama: If Romney had been president, "we might not have an auto industry" right now

Last night’s debate-focus was meant to stick to foreign policy, but President Obama managed to get in a few shots proudly touting his signature auto-industry bailout and criticizing how Mitt Romney would’ve handled the situation — which would’ve been fine, I suppose, if he hadn’t grossly mischaracterized how Mitt Romney would’ve handled the situation.


Team Obama must believe it’s an appealing theme — eager as they are to convince everyone that President Obama does in fact possess some semblance of economic capability — because the president hit on it again on the campaign trail today, first at a campaign stop in Florida and then in a later appearance in Ohio, via The Hill:

President Obama delivered an extended riff on his administration’s handling of the $80 billion bailout of the U.S. auto industry during his second campaign appearance of the day Tuesday in Ohio.

“Last night, Gov. Romney looked you right in the eye and tried to pretend that he never said ‘let Detroit go bankrupt,’ ” Obama said in a speech to supporters in Dayton, Ohio.

“He tried to explain that somehow I was taking his advice,” Obama continued, adding that if Romney had been president in 2008, the U.S. “might not have an auto industry today.”

I’m not even going to get started on the unabashed nonsense that is this “Romnesia” meme (…honestly though, do you reckon maybe they’ve realized that resistance is futile and just decided to ride out the campaign with some tongue-in-cheek fun or something? But, I digress…). It seems like Team Obama has long since decided to just go with the (admittedly politically inconvenient, but intellectually honest) title of Romney’s 2008 op-ed, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,” and is hellbent on making it sound as if that pretty much sums up the only blood you’d be able to squeeze from the cold-hearted, fat-cat stone that is Mitt Romney. I would wonder if Team Obama has actually bothered to read the full piece, except that’s probably giving them too much credit when I’m sure that they have zero qualms about purposefully misrepresenting his ideas.


If you haven’t ever read it before, I invite you to take a gander now (it speaks for itself) and direct you to National Review to highlight the liberties that President Obama takes with Romney’s actual plan, and just leave you with this parting thought on the many contradictions between President Obama’s rhetoric and his actual policies: The president has touted his stimulus and the auto-bailout as a grand success story, but General Motors is still flirting with dire financial woe. If GM were to find itself in a repeat situation, would the president’s plan of action be to continue on with the vicious cycle of throwing billions of our dollars at them instead of forcing the industry to face the free-market music? For somebody who professes to disprove of eeevil corporations who’ve gotten “too big to fail,” Obama’s policies like bailouts and Dodd-Frank sure have a funny way of showing it.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024