Video: Voters Boot America's Worst Mayor in Landslide

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Just how badly did Tiffany Henyard do? The now ex-mayor of Dolton, Illinois no-showed her own election watch party. Although, the video of the event made it clear that Henyard's invitees also voted with their feet.


Henyard, the subject of much scrutiny from voters, the media, and the FBI for her alleged corruption, doesn't miss too many parties either. WGN has the details on the loss in the Chicago suburb, as well as the reasons for it:

We didn't write much about Henyard, mainly because ... well, Chicago. It's tough to compete for corruption attention with the Windy City, and keeping up with Brandon Johnson's incompetence alone doesn't leave much time for the suburbs.

How bad was it? Henyard won the office four years ago with 82% of the vote. This time, Henyard got ... 12%:

With all 17 precincts in Dolton reported, House won the race with 88% of the vote. Henyard received 536 votes while House was voted for 3,896 times.

The race had a turnout rate of 27%.

RECOUNT! RECOUNT! RE ... ah, never mind. 

Give credit to Henyard for playing right through the buzzer. Three days ago a court had to issue TROs to undo appointments Henyard tried to make, including for chief of police in Dolton. Last month, another court held her in contempt for refusing to sign liquor licenses that the city had approved and for wasting the court's time:

In court on Wednesday, Henyard, who also serves as the village liquor commissioner, reportedly vowed again that she'd sign the licenses, but she did not before a 5 p.m. Thursday deadline. 

The parties were therefore forced to return to court again Friday, and Henyard arrived a half hour late for the hearing, WGN-TV reported. ...

"The judge asked the mayor, ‘Will you sign these licenses?’ and instead of signing them or answering the judge directly, she began talking in circles and so that’s when the judge made one determination of what’s called indirect criminal contempt," Vuckovich reportedly said, adding: "It’s serious. It’s not something anybody would want to happen, especially if you’re a public official."


If anything, Henyard may have mellowed at that point. In October, Henyard threatened to imprison critics and opponents while the FBI's corruption probe heated up:

On the heels of announcing her reelection bid for mayor of Dolton on Oct. 15, Tiffany Henyard hopped on Facebook Live for about an hour and a half on Tuesday evening to speak to her constituents. She began the broadcast following a Thornton Township Trustees meeting that was canceled due to lack of quorum, she explained during the live broadcast.

“I will be seeking arrests for individuals involved,” Henyard said. “I will be pressing charges. It’s a lot. And that’s just me telling you a little bit. All this pointing the finger at Tiffany − or lying on me − I’m over it. Now it’s time for me to speak."

Perhaps Henyard would have been better advised to shut up. The city trustees asked Lori Lightfoot to conduct an outside audit of Dolton's finances along with the FBI's investigation into Henyard's, and ... surprise, surprise, surprise:

“As of May 30 of this year, the village’s general fund was in a net deficit position,” Lightfoot announced in August, according to the Chicago Defender.

According to Lightfoot, Dolton's general fund balance is $3.65 million in debt, which is quite a difference from the more than $5.6 million in funds the village had in April 2022, the outlet reported. Henyard was elected mayor of the village in 2021 and appointed Thornton Township supervisor in 2022.

Lightfoot was not the only one looking into the village. CBS News reported that the FBI is also investigating Dolton Village Hall. Federal agents searched the hall in April, but have not announced what exactly they are or were investigating, according to the outlet.


Even with all of that and more -- the WGN video report has some details -- Henyard chose to run again. And this time, the voters of Dolton spoke, nearly with one voice.

Now the only question is where all the money went, but ... that doesn't seem like too much of a mystery either. Tiffany Henyard's time in the spotlight is far from over. 

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