No, Really, Who's President Now?

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

It can't be the man in this video. In nearly every frame of this 24-second video, Joe Biden looks lost and barely able to function. And that's even before Biden opened his mouth to answer a series of questions from reporters about the war in the Middle East.


As Biden exits his vehicle, the questions start. "Mr. President," yells one woman who gets Biden's attention, "will you deploy more US troops to the Middle East?" Another reporter then shouts, "Mr. President, as Mr. Netanyahu gone too far?" Biden continues walking, looking slack-jawed at the reporters, and then walks over for the third question, also about the conflict in the Middle East

He then proceeds to deliver an answer about ... a longshoremen strike in the US:

Is that actually a story? Sure; the contract with operators runs out today, in fact. Pete Buttigieg has been attempting to avoid a potential economy-crippling strike for the last few weeks. No doubt the White House and Biden have this as one priority as the election nears.

But that can't be the highest priority facing the White House. The US is attempting to prevent a regional war in the Middle East -- using mainly the wrong priorities and strategies, of course. That is not only the obvious priority crisis, but it was clearly the topic of all the questions asked of Biden in this exchange. The final question asked as Biden approached included the specific context of "strikes in Yemen." 


And yet Biden didn't comprehend the question at all. Instead, he delivered a canned statement about the attempt to defuse a potential longshoremen strike. It didn't even offer any substance on the topic Biden thought was at hand, let alone the actual questions being asked.

This brings us back to a topic that became acute after the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, but had been bubbling up at least since the Easter Bunny ordered Biden off a rope line in April 2022. All during Biden's presidency, the White House -- including Kamala Harris -- insisted that Biden had suffered no cognitive or physical decline. They routinely claimed that his energy tired out staffers half his age and that he could argue rings around them with specifics on policy. "Sharp as a tack" became the standard response when Biden's public displays increasingly suggested otherwise.

Since the June 27 debate, and the Democrats' rush to push him off the ballot afterward, those claims have been exposed as flat-out lies. The White House, including Kamala Harris, hid Biden's decline, covering up what looks like cognitive incompetence. The Democrat Party then rigged its primaries to prevent Biden from any serious challenge to a re-election even with his cognitive decline clear to all of them. They pushed Kamala Harris into the top slot without even any competition, likely to prevent too many questions from being asked about how Democrats ended up in that position. Kamala became the Shiny New Object to distract attention from the crime that got exposed by Biden's withdrawal.


And the media played along with it all. No establishment media outlet, except for the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, has asked any questions about when Biden's cognitive decline started, who knew about it, and why no one acted. To ask such questions would point fingers at the obvious participants in the cover-up, including Harris herself and every Democrat who kept testifying to personal knowledge that Biden was "sharp as a tack."

The cover-up is still secondary to the crisis, however. Biden remains president, at least in name, at a point where wars are converging to a dangerous degree. If Biden really is in charge, then we are at our weakest point since before Pearl Harbor. And if Biden isn't in charge, then we have an even bigger cover-up and crime in progress. 

Why aren't American media outlets asking those questions and demanding answers?

We know the answer: the news industry has transformed itself into the Protection Racket Media and a propaganda arm of the Left. They work hard to intimidate advertisers and pressure Big Tech into choking off access to competing points of view. We hope we can gather as many allies as possible to keep all of these issues in the public square – and indeed to preserve the public square at all.

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Addendum: Sam J at Twitchy notices what Jill Biden does in this video ... or rather, what Jill Biden doesn't do:

Full transparency, we're not sure which part of this Joe Biden video is more embarrassing. Whether it's Joe's actual response to the question about Yemen strikes (he's supports the collective bargaining effort, what?!) or the fact Jill just nopes right TF out of there without even looking over her shoulder at the husband she has supposedly loves so very dearly.

Almost as if the moment he lost all of his power and influence DOCTOR Jill lost interest.

Perhaps this is another one of those, 'Embrace the power of and,' moments.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024