Cotton to ABC's Karl: How Do You Know What Kamala's Positions Are?

Townhall Media

Good question! Even better question: how does anyone know what positions Kamala Harris holds now? Her campaign leaks some ambiguous reversals to media outlets willing to blithely carry that water rather than demand access to the candidate herself. But Harris herself has taken no positions at all, except for a brief and disastrous foray into "price gauging." 


Her campaign website still has no page for voters to learn about Harris' policy positions:

Web surfers can read the candidates' bios, sign up for volunteer activities, or buy swag and contribute their cash. The one thing they can't find on the campaign website is why they should do any of the above.

That led Tom Cotton to rebuke ABC's Jon Karl yesterday morning on This Week, after Karl attempted to tell Cotton he has Harris' position on private insurance wrong:

It wasn't just when she ran for president, either. While in the Senate, Harris co-sponsored Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All bill that would have eliminated private health insurance and run up a massive debt bomb in the process. During her presidential campaign, Harris rolled out another version of Medicare for All that edged away from barring private insurance, but used a "government option" to essentially low-ball them out of the market. Even Vox noted five years ago that this would only give "the appearance of greater choice."


By the way, it also eliminated Sanders' attempt at funding and replaced it with new taxes on Wall Street transactions. Does she still want to hike taxes on investments? Will Jon Karl bother to ask, or will he just assume that she's changed her mind without any statement from Harris herself?

It's not just Karl that takes anonymous chatter as Gospel on Harris' positions. On this same topic, Politico reported last week that Harris was "no longer a Medicare for All champion," based on nothing Harris herself has published or spoken. They based that on "a campaign official" speaking without identifying him/herself or going on the record. And in the week since, no media outlet has bothered to demand an answer to this or any other policy question.

But they suuuuuure like the idea of selling Harris as a centrist, don't they?

This isn't even media bias. It's not even Stenogralism, which at least requires a Democrat to actually speak to an issue before the Protection Racket Media promotes it as The Received Wisdom. This is sheer fantasy, a political fiction created by people who aren't asking any questions and don't seem to care that a presidential candidate won't speak to them. It's Don't Ask Don't Tell for the media ... or more accurately, Don't Ask, We'll Sell.


Tom Cotton rightly depantsed Jon Karl, and in doing so the entire Protection Racket Media that provides cover for a substance-free candidate running a substance-free campaign. And it's yet another example why now is the time to join us in the fight against the entire progressive-Establishment Media Complex. Become a HotAir VIP member today and use promo code FAKENEWS to receive a 50% discount on your membership.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024