Wednesday's Final Word

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

Guess what day it is? Tab-Closing Day ...

[Rep. Emanuel] Cleaver was asked for his response to the criticism of Harris' price gouging plan.

"She didn't go into any detail," he said during an interview at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. "So I think we have to give her the benefit of the fact that she entered the race late as the leading person on this ballot. She's going to do a lot of things right now that are not, that are still going to be fuzzy. That's just the way it is."


Ed: She entered the race late? She's been on the ticket all year, and has been Vice President for over three years. Voters will start casting ballots in a month for this race. How long does Harris come up to speed -- and if it's this long, why is she running at all?



A revolting surprise greeted Democratic convention-goers Wednesday when maggots were found during a hotel breakfast service — and the FBI is now investigating the apparent activism-related incident. 

“We can confirm that a group of individuals caused a disruption at a DNC-related breakfast event at our hotel this morning,” Fairmont Chicago hotel spokesperson Haley Robles told WGN-TV. ...

Although it was not immediately clear who was responsible, maggots were released last month at the Watergate Hotel in Washington in protest of the visiting delegation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ed: Despicable. But given the nature of the protests in Chicago and the earlier incident in DC, this doesn't look like a partisan attack. One has to wonder how these activists think they will convince people that their cause is rational and just by pouring maggots into their food. The delegates are regular folks for the most part, not really involved in policy formulation. 




Ed: It's not just Polymarket, either. Hmmmm.


The television ratings of the first night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) sunk 22 percent from 2016, according to Nielsen.

The ratings crash suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris is far less popular than the media purported.

About 20 million people watched the first night of the DNC, up from 2020’s virtual convention but severely down from 2016.

Ed: I would have expected it to be the other way around. The pandemic really boosted voter enthusiasm in 2020, but of course the fact that it was a Zoom Call Convention dimmed viewer interest. Wait for Thursday's ratings to reach any conclusions, though. 


Ed: That's Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, who does appear wasted. And in Wisconsin, that may not be bad for your political career. But it is bad when you can't come up with the name of your nominee in a "celebratory" roll call vote. 



Add it up, and we’re probably at or nearing the high water mark for Harris. At the convention, you’ve heard a lot about how smart, tough, accomplished and determined Harris is. And yet, she’s still the woman who flamed out in the 2020 Democratic primary, and who had an approval rating in the upper thirties for most of her time as vice president. That number has rebounded… to 41 percent. Her lone policy proposal has been labeled “full of gimmicks” by the Washington Post editorial board; Post economics columnist Catherine Rampell concluded, “it’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is,” and Obama economic advisor Jason Furman concluded, “this is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality. There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.” Harris’ instincts have not changed.

Ed: After looking at the betting markets, it may be that we've already passed Peak Kamala. Her speech on Thursday could change that momentarily, but if RFK endorses Trump the next morning, it could be very temporary. Still --- be careful about wishcasting.


Ed: Hey now, be nice. One man gave hope and comfort to a lot of people and served the public faithfully for decades. And the other is Tim Wlz.




“You’re asking me a very unusual question. I haven’t been asked that question yet. I like him a lot. I respect him a lot. I probably would if, something like that would happen. He’s, very different kind of a guy. Very smart guy. And, yeah, I would be honored by that endorsement,” Trump replied.

“So John and Sarah, I mean, we haven’t heard that from Donald Trump yet. And reminder that earlier in the day yesterday, Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr’s running mate, had said that he would, RFK junior was considering potentially dropping out and endorsing Donald Trump. And Trump says I might welcome him. I welcome that endorsement. I might even welcome him in my own administration. So, pretty newsy there with Kristen Holmes,” noted Alayna Treene.




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