Phoning It In, Literally: Obamas Endorse 'My Girl Kamala!' Via Eavesdropping Video

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

They made it weird.

For the last few days, the only Democrats of note to have not endorsed Kamala Harris were both named Obama. Everyone else had climbed on board within the first 48 hours of Joe Biden's surrender under fire totally voluntary withdrawal from the nomination. The delay even had mainstream media outlets scratching their heads; NBC News yesterday reported that the endorsement would come "soon," and most presumed that the Obamas and the Harris campaign had a plan for a spectacular event that would help lift and complete The Anointment.


Instead, we got this cheesy sequence a few hours ago that looks like an idea lifted from a reality-TV series. Oh, look who's calling the star today! 

What ... the Obamas couldn't even FaceTime the endorsement? Even Chuck Schumer got up in front of a camera to endorse Harris. The Obamas couldn't be bothered to turn the iPhone camera on for a glimpse in the video. 

And just like in bad reality-TV shows -- and I watch a lot of this genre on HGTV -- we're supposed to believe that this is just an extemporaneous phone call, somehow magically captured on camera while Harris strolls down a street. Hey, it's the Obamas! I wonder what they could want? Gee, their kitchen remodel is at a delicate stage! 

The Harris campaign wants to use this as a show of unity. It looks more like the Obamas couldn't be bothered to make an effort with their endorsement, so the campaign just got them on a call and recorded it.

Get ready for a lot of fawning coverage about this in the media, though, because either they're suckers enough to buy this as an "emotional moment," or they think you are. Case in point -- the Daily Beast, which initially headlined this as "an emotional video" (see the URL) before coming to their senses:


The 55-second ad sees Harris taking a call from the Obamas while seemingly walking backstage at a campaign event. Obama’s distinctive voice breaks in over the phone immediately: “Kamala!”

After Michelle greets her as well, the video cuts to a title card—“The Obamas Call Kamala”—before shifting to show the vice president standing in front of a black SUV. Holding the phone to her ear with the speakerphone button visibly on, Harris says, “It’s good to hear you both.”

“I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala: I am proud of you,” Michelle says. “This is going to be historic.”

“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you, and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Barack adds.

“Oh my goodness,” Harris responds, grinning. “Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me.”

Much emotional! So extemporaneousy!

Coming up next on The Bachelor: Contestants wait by their phones to see if they get a rose emoji texted to them!

Anyway. This bizarre and low-energy exercise more or less confirms what we all assumed ever since the rest of the Democrat establishment went all-in on The Anointment. The Obamas were always going to support the nominee no matter who it was; had Biden refused to leave, they would have endorsed him too. 

In that sense, this is less an endorsement and more an affirmation among conspirators who spent the last couple of years hiding Biden's cognitive infirmities from voters even through primaries that they rigged to avoid any real competition. Now that the fraud has been exposed thanks to the June 27 debate, the only choice they have is to circle the wagons and see if they can avoid any accountability for it. That includes the Protection Racket Media, which climbed aboard the Harris train even before the Obamas did, and have been scrubbing their archives to remove anything that paints Harris in a negative light.


She's not just "my girl Kamala!" to the Obamas. She's now "my girl Kamala!" to the entire progressive elite.

Which prompts the question: Is the use of 'Kamala" rather than Harris now no longer sexist/racist/transphobist/etc-ist?

Update: I changed the headline a bit to emphasize how bad this looks. The Obamas literally phoned it in. 

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