
Collusion, corruption, COVID, and the Boxer Line: The Week in Review!

Townhall Media

What stories topped your priority lists this week? For both Duane and me, the choices are obvious and pretty tasty. Yesterday’s fiasco for Democrats at the House Weaponization of Government subcommittee lasted a lot longer than “the dumbest five minutes” of Congress provided by Sylvia Garcia, after all. Not that you’d know about Democrats’ demands that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger reveal sources via other journalists, though. “Have you heard a peep about that in the mainstream media?” I ask Duane Patterson. “It’s almost twenty four hours and we still haven’t heard a word about that” from any other outlets.

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Welcome to our new VIP feature for Hot Air as well as a members-only show in the Hughniverse! Duane Patterson and I now are doing a Week in Review show for Friday evenings, exclusive to members in both platforms. Duane has been the Generalissimo behind the Hugh Hewitt Show for more than two decades, and we have partnered on weekly commentary since 2007.

The other biggest story this week: former CDC Director Robert Redfield’s blockbuster testimony on the origins of COVID-19. Both Duane and I flagged that as perhaps the most important in terms of a body count. Duane rips into Anthony Fauci over it: “engaged in bribery, using taxpayer money to dole out federal grants to would-be whistle blowers, to use it as hush money and keep them quiet.” We both pronounce Fauci’s attempts to backpedal as “bulls***,” and we both look forward to Rand Paul’s eventual evisceration of Fauci for repeatedly lying about gain-of-function research and the pandemic.

We also hit a few more topics briefly:

  • Testimony on the missed call to take out the Kabul bomber
  • Duane has a new graphic for his guest-hosting gigs!
  • Biden’s new budget is even deader on arrival than most presidential budgets, and that’s saying something
  • How the film Necessary Roughness reminds Duane about Fauci’s dodginess now
  • Which character in cinema most reminds me of Joe Biden?

I’m on vacation next week, but I still have an episode of The Amiable Skeptics that should go up on Monday, and Duane may connect with David Strom for a Week in Review, too. Stay tuned — and join the conversation in the comments!



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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024