Lame-duck amnesty danger: Time to hold GOP establishment accountable

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

Could the GOP establishment possibly make a disappointing midterm cycle into a catastrophe? They certainly seem prepared to try, even after watching the Georgia runoff embarrassment. Having lost the Senate and an opportunity for a muscular House majority, the party’s leadership now wants to play right into the hands of open-borders Democrats.


Senate Republican Thom Tillis has struck a deal with Democrats to give amnesty to millions of illegals. As with previous deals, it front-loads amnesty over border security, providing yet even more short-term incentives to fuel the present border crisis without any significant effort first to end it. Two former border-enforcement officials, Mark Morgan (CBP commissioner) and Tom Homan (ICE director), condemned this latest “framework” proposal at the Heritage Foundation yesterday:

“Once again, Congress is showing that they are not remotely interested in securing our border and upholding our laws. Instead, they’re more interested in ramming through a mass amnesty in a lame-duck session of Congress. The Tillis-Sinema proposal is nothing more than amnesty, cloaked with the fig leaf of ‘more funding’ for Border Patrol. In reality, this proposal would do nothing except encourage more families around the world to put their children, of all ages, in the hands of the cartels, enriching these blood-thirsty and savage organizations, driving even-higher numbers of unaccompanied minors to the border, and further overwhelming an already besieged Border Patrol. When Congress sends the signal that lawbreaking will be rewarded, the cartels will capitalize—and everyone else will suffer.

“Meanwhile, the Tillis-Sinema proposal tries to soften opposition to this amnesty by throwing money at the Border Patrol to ‘speed up processing of asylum seekers’ and hire more Border Patrol agents. In reality, all this money will be used to do is more quickly process and release more illegal aliens into the interior. In essence, this proposal will further entrench Border Patrol under the Biden administration as the final link in a human smuggling operation that originates with the cartels.

“The problem is not lack of funding, or lack of agents—it is an administration that has undone effective border security policies and replaced them with an open-borders agenda that has sparked the worst border crisis in our history. Congress should reject amnesty in all its forms, and the new Congress must get down to business. That means impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas, engaging in meaningful oversight of the administration, and passing reforms that will secure our border and reduce illegal immigration.”


What’s worse, this proposal comes at the precise moment when Republicans can finally start holding Biden administration officials accountable for the border crisis. Their control of the House would allow subpoenas targeting Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and his crew and forcing them to disclose their dereliction of duty. Tillis’ “framework” would pre-empt that transparency and negate any effort to force the administration to adopt rational border security policies first and ending a border crisis that has raged for two years.

And all of this while Joe Biden declares that the border crisis isn’t important enough for his attention.

This is unacceptable, and we won’t stop fighting to tell the truth about this betrayal.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024