CBS: We interrupt our pause to inform you that the Hunter laptop is totes authentic, y'know

I’ll take “Headlines from October 2020” for $100, Mayim. More than two years after the New York Post reported on the laptop Hunter Biden left at a repair shop, and more than two years after at least one figure within the files corroborated its authenticity, CBS News has finally concluded that … it’s real and it’s spectacular.


Maybe this was yet another “pause” for CBS News, eh?

No offense to Catherine Herridge, who does excellent work on the national security beat, but these are leftovers — and ancient at that. This story should have run a couple of years ago, when the New York Post first reported on the laptop and had outside experts do precisely what CBS News finally got around to doing now. Herridge doesn’t mention that in her report.

Nor does she mention the fact that other outlets had long since reported exactly what CBS News purports to reveal here. Even among the mainstream media, this is nothing new; the New York Times reported eight months ago that the Department of Justice had authenticated the laptop data. The Washington Post followed up two weeks later to report the same thing. The DoJ’s long investigation into Hunter Biden on the basis of the laptop would implicitly prove the authenticity of the data anyway; if it was fake, the DoJ would have long ago closed out their probes.


This looks more like a clean-up for CBS News, especially after its ridiculous and virtue-signaling “pause” on Twitter over the weekend. CBS News helped suppress the Hunter laptop story and its obvious implications of corruption in October 2020, promoting Biden’s claims that it was “Russian disinformation” rather than seriously look at the data and the efforts of others, notably Tony Bobulinski, to make people aware that the data was authentic. This weekend, CBS News offered a sneering and hypocritical pose about concerns over “disinformation” on Twitter — and now they want people to overlook their 25-month “pause” on objective reporting on Biden Inc’s corruption.

Nice try, but this doesn’t even warrant a Bruce Willis-Die Hard “Welcome to the party, pal!” A Captain Louis Renault Award, however, seems quite appropriate.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024