Q-poll: Biden crashing hardest among young voters, Hispanics

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The only brief glint of good news from the latest Quinnipiac poll for Joe Biden? He didn’t hit a new low on job approval, but rather tied his previous lows of 33/57 among all respondents and 35/58 among registered voters. However, in a survey where six in ten respondents consider inflation to be a crisis rather than just a problem, Biden and Democrats have a lot of reasons for panic:


Americans give President Joe Biden a negative 33 – 57 percent job approval rating with 10 percent not offering an opinion. Biden’s 33 percent job approval among Americans ties the low that he has received in three previous Quinnipiac University national polls.

Registered voters give President Biden a negative 35 – 58 percent job approval rating with 7 percent not offering an opinion. Biden’s 35 percent job approval among registered voters ties the low that he has received in three previous Quinnipiac University national polls.

Rather than get right to the demos on the overall approval question, let’s first stick with issue responses. Quinnipiac asks several questions specific to the economy, and among the most intriguing is which aspect of the economy worries respondents more. By far and away, the biggest concern is the price of gas and goods at 63%, followed by housing/rent at 17% and the stock market at 11%. This pattern holds up in all demos, although the concern over rent and housing is highest among 18-34YOs (30%), which sets up a later point.

Next up, Quinnipiac asks respondents to choose whether inflation (“rising prices”) is a crisis, a problem, or neither. Only 2% chose neither, and only 38% chose a problem rather than a crisis. In every demo except for Democrats and white college graduates, a majority chose crisis — 59% overall, 59% among independents, 59% among women, 56% among Hispanics, and even 52% among black voters.


And then Quinnipiac asks respondents to rate how much control a president has over inflation, and the news there is bad for the Putin’s Price Hike White House. Sixty-nine percent of all adults think a president has some or a lot of control over inflation, while only 31% think a president has a little or none at all. Among women, it’s 72/27, and among Hispanics it’s 71/29, two demographics on which Democrats have long counted for electoral support.

Gas prices and their impact get specific attention from Quinnipiac as well. Two-thirds (68/32 precisely) say the price of gasoline has been a somewhat or very serious problem for their households, a pattern which holds up in every demo except among Democrats (47/52). Every demo but Democrats and white college graduates say that they have had to reduce household spending as a result of rapid gas-price increases — 55/44 overall, 57/43 among Hispanics, 57/41 among black voters, 58/40 among independents. It’s similar for the question of whether people are driving less as a result, although the splits are very narrow on that question, although narrow majorities or pluralities in almost every demo say they have not changed summer vacation plans.

With that in mind, let’s see how people rate Biden on the economy:

Biden’s getting clobbered in practically every demo, and even where he’s leading, it’s still bad news. In this polarized political environment, having 22% of your own party disapprove of your handling of the economy is a warning sign, not an occasion for a sigh of relief. Having 36% of black voters disapproving of the economic performance of a Democratic president in a cycle where the economy is in crisis isn’t just a warning sign — it’s a tsunami siren on voter enthusiasm.


Most interesting in this is the response from younger voters, though, a dynamic that also appears in Biden’s overall job approval rating. Michael Tracey noticed this last night:

I don’t necessarily think this is evidence of a realignment among younger voters, at least not yet. It may be just disgust toward Biden himself, but even if that’s all it is, that’s bad enough for Democrats. They need energy in electoral cycles from this demo much more than Republicans do, as well as from progressive-leaning white college graduates, and Biden’s seriously underwater with both. But having had a taste of Bidenomics and the progressive approach to the economy, perhaps younger Americans may put two and two together and finally wake up from their Bernie Sanders crush.

Hispanics clearly have begun to realign, however, and that’s bad enough news for Democrats in this cycle. They have been shut out of Democrats’ Wokelympics and have watched Biden run the progressive playbook right through their wallets. Biden’s low of 29/53 with Hispanics is an utter disaster for Democrats running in November, especially since strong disapproval in this demo more than doubles his strong approval (15/37). Sound the tsunami sirens, but for this cycle, it’s far too late for Democrats to evacuate.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024