Axios: Sure looks like the fleebagging Texas Dems spread COVID at White House, Capitol Hill

No kidding? But these Texas Democrats were so, uh, careful about COVID-19 protocols as they fled the state …


One bus, a case of Miller Lite, a full tank of gas, and not a mask in sight — what could go wrong? Plenty, and not all of it political. For some reason, the same Democrats in Washington DC who are presently demanding the end of the Senate filibuster in the name of removing minority obstructionism embraced their Texas fleebagging counterparts, as shameless an exercise in political hypocrisy as we’re likely to see for some time. That embrace wasn’t just ideological either — it was physical as well, with the White House and Democrats on Capitol Hill holding events with these Texas Democrats.

Starting this weekend, shortly after all of the celebrations over the fleebaggers, the fugitives began testing positive for COVID-19. As of today, the count among the Texas House Democrats has reached six positives, with perhaps more on the way:

A sixth Texas Democrat who traveled to Washington, DC, in an effort to prevent a vote on a GOP-backed voting bill has tested positive for the coronavirus, a new report said.

The unidentified state lawmaker — who was among a group of Democrats who flew to the nation’s capital on a private jet last week — is self-isolating, a spokeswoman for the Texas House Democrats told NBC News.

Coincidentally or not, others who rushed to embrace the fleebaggers have now also tested positive for the virus, Axios reports this morning:


A White House official and a staff member for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) have both tested positive for COVID-19 after attending the same reception last week, officials confirmed to Axios.

Why it matters: While both individuals are vaccinated and mildly symptomatic, they illustrate how Americans inoculated against the coronavirus can still contract and, potentially, unknowingly transmit the virus — even at the highest levels of the nation’s government. ….

Driving the news: The Pelosi staffer helped usher a delegation of Democratic Texas lawmakers around the Capitol last week. Six of those lawmakers, who flew to Washington to block the Texas legislature from changing the state’s voting laws, have since tested positive.

Both that staffer and the White House official were at the same rooftop reception at the Hotel Eaton last Wednesday night.

That was six days ago. How many others attended the Hotel Eaton reception with the fleebaggers? How many people have come into close proximity with them? This is precisely the kind of event that can become a super-spreader incident, far more than going to a supermarket or eating at a restaurant. It comes at a very awkward time, considering the messaging from the White House and some localities pontificating about using social-distancing and mask protocols.


Fortunately, the people involved appear to be already vaccinated, so the potential for a real super-spreader event might be limited. The lesson here isn’t so much how the inoculated can still present a risk, but how hypocritical those in power act when it comes to risky behavior. This could have been prevented by these Texas Democrats doing their jobs rather than conducting a political stunt, and by their DC colleagues who could have applied the same argument against minority obstructionism about which they’ve been howling ever since Joe Biden barely won the election in 2020. The whole thing has turned into an epic faceplant that will be funny as long as no one loses their lives or their health over the selfish stupidity of the Texas fleebaggers and their supporters.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024