Too bad to check: Teacher union leader demands Berkeley schools remain closed -- while his toddler attends private pre-school

“What can I add to this ridiculousness?” Brian Kilmeade asks Ben Domenech. Not much, actually; res ipsa loquitur never applied so well as in Matt Meyer’s case. The chief of the teachers union in Berkeley wants public schools to remain closed until universal vaccination is achieved. And yet, here’s video of Meyer taking his daughter to a private pre-school:


Matt Meyer, president of the Berkeley Federation of Teachers, has fought for what he called the “gold standard” for the teachers he represents — saying Berkeley schools should only reopen to in-person learning when educators are vaccinated, among other criteria. …

But some Berkeley parents have claimed that the union is moving too slow and are pushing for earlier school reopenings. They have long argued — and the Center For Disease Control and Prevention has agreed — that schools are safe to reopen without vaccinations for all teachers.

Looking to prove a double-standard by the Berkeley Federation of Teachers union president, they followed Meyer and his 2-year-old daughter to her preschool, camera in hand. The footage they captured has ignited the ire of parents groups fighting teachers unions — and Meyer in particular.

One of the parents in Meyer’s district ripped his hypocrisy in ensuring in-person education for his daughter while denying to others. Dr. Shelene Stine has particular expertise for her criticism:


Dr. Shelene Stine treats COVID-19 patients at Highland Hospital’s department of internal medicine, but she’s also a parent of 3-year-old twins who attend the same preschool as Meyer’s daughter. Dr. Stine also has a 5-year-old attending kindergarten at a Berkeley Unified School District school. …

Berkeley teachers have claimed that kids may not honor masking requirements, which Stine says her personal experience contradicts.

“I am a physician. It is definitively the scientific agreement that it is possible to deliver safe in-person education,” Stine said. “It’s infuriating to know Matt Meyer says kids can’t wear masks when kids in his preschool wear them all day long.”

Meyer confirmed the accuracy of the video, but lashed out at his critics for invading the privacy of his toddler. That’s not much of an excuse, but Meyer also said that the public-school system doesn’t have programs like this for two-year-olds, which means he has to use private schools.

That answers one particular charge of hypocrisy, but leaves the main criticism on the table. If reopening public schools presents the amount of risk for both children and teachers that Meyer claims, why is Meyer putting his own daughter at that risk? Why isn’t Meyer keeping his daughter at home, especially at two years of age? This looks much more like the “babysitting” that teachers have claimed parents of older children really want, rather than the education for which they have been paying school systems to provide.


Those parents are fed up with this hypocrisy, and this “guerilla” video is likely the first of many such efforts to point it out. As noted, these videos really speak for themselves.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024