Progressive cri de coeur: Is this the "collapse of the Cuomosexual"?

He’s an irascible New Yorker who can’t abide criticism, delivers diktats in an imperious manner, and whose ego often overrules his good sense. Thanks to his continuing meltdowns in 2020, his party seems to be abandoning him. No, it’s not that New Yorker — it’s Andrew Cuomo, who has gotten so bad that even The Nation has chucked him under the patchouli-powered bus.


Alexis Grenell tears into the New York governor in the pages of the venerable progressive magazine, derisively calling Cuomo “St. Andrew of Covid” and a “snarling attack dog who gaslights fellow Democrats.” His “Trump-style tantrum” the day before Thanksgiving was the last straw, apparently:

In the middle of one of his now Emmy Award–winning (apparently for using “television to inform and calm people around the world”) Red Room press conferences, the governor blew a gasket. The trouble started when Jimmy Vielkind from The Wall Street Journal asked the obvious question that every New York City public school parent wanted to know: Will schools be open tomorrow? Cuomo’s months (years, really) of pissing all over Mayor Bill de Blasio have naturally caused confusion over who owns this loser of a decision, compounded by the fact that the city (3 percent) and state’s (2.5 percent) data on infection rates don’t align. So rather than give a straight answer, the self-described “cool dude in a loose mood,” threw a Trump-style tantrum. …

Cuomo undeniably offered a vision of competent, humane government at the height of the crisis, but this is who he is the rest of the time. It’s why he and his staff reflexively insult anyone who criticizes his handling of the pandemic or insists on returning to the normal system of democratic governance as Jefferson envisioned it. People like the relentlessly honest Bill Hammond from the Empire Center for Public Policy, who’s currently suing the administration to force it to disclose the real number of Covid-related nursing home deaths (“yet another publicity stunt from an arm of the far-right advocacy industrial complex”). Or Assembly member Ron Kim for suggesting that the governor acted against the public interest in letting his state be one of the two that grant hospitals and nursing homes broad corporate immunity (“politically motivated”). Or Democratic and Republican lawmakers who want to curtail the governor’s emergency powers after granting them in March, and return to their role as a co-equal branch of government (“stupid” and “completely political”).

It all boils down to this: Any dissent is a partisan attack on our very lives, and Andrew Cuomo is our only hope. To solidify the narrative, he’s even written a self-congratulatory book at what he calls “half-time” in the crisis. Kind of like how every coach puts out a press release mid-game and Winston Churchill wrote the history of World War II in 1943. Oh, wait…

Indeed, St. Andrew, our savior of the spring, is now milking his 15 minutes of fame for an extra 30.


Ask the people in nursing homes about Cuomo’s status as “savior of the spring.” Oh wait, indeed, although Grenell to her credit makes the same point now.

What, you may ask, is a “Cuomosexual”? It’s an identity bestowed by Hollywood on Cuomo’s devotees, including Trevor Noah and Ellen DeGeneres:

Progressives rallied to Cuomo in the same way that conservo-populists rallied to Donald Trump in the early days of the COVID-19 crisis. At times, they seemed to occupy the two competing poles on the crisis, which itself was deceptive as both men had initial successes and failures, all of which played out on a grand scale. For Trump, Operation Warp Speed and the travel shutdowns were the grand successes, while masks and testing were the grand failures. For Cuomo, pushing the shutdown more quickly than Bill de Blasio was the success, while the nursing home policies — for which he’s still refusing accountability — was the ghastly and vast error. Both men have insisted on taking victory laps ever since, even though the crisis is far from over.

Still, no one’s ever suggested the term “Trumpasexual” on the Right. This was the media elite’s way of taking sides in the fight in the weirdest way possible. They fed Cuomo’s ego to the point where he’s become the Mr. Creosote of politics, easily surpassing the exiting president as the most egotistical and imperious-minded leader in the US. Kudos to Grenell and The Nation for declaring that the Emperor of the Empire State has no clothes, but perhaps if the Left hadn’t turned him into a sexual idol in its passionate hatred for Trump, they might have noticed that in, oh, May.


As for this being the collapse of the Cuomosexual, don’t bet on it — yet. Cuomo’s not running for office, so there’s not a lot of polling on his job approval lately. The most recent one I could dig up comes from October’s Ipsos survey, which shows  Cuomo at 71/21 and de Blasio at 49/43. New Yorkers even approve of Cuomo’s nursing home policies, 58/30, mainly because Cuomo won’t release the relevant data about just how many nursing home residents died from the policies he imposed to force those facilities to readmit COVID-19 positive residents. Maybe that will change now that the media will be forced to cover Cuomo on his own as opposed to their anti-Trump idol, but it will take a while to undo all that gaslighting from Hollywood — including that grotesque Emmy award.

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