DHS: State Dept never told us about Hillary Clinton's secret server either

Readers may be tempted to respond Join the club, but this is — in the words of the Obama administration’s most eloquent figure, a big effin’ deal.  The White House has demanded more authority and jurisdiction over private networks as part of its push to improve cybersecurity in the US, even while it has botched its own network security at OPM, the Pentagon, and even the State Department under both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. The Department of Homeland Security is tasked with auditing the security of federal government networks, but no one at State ever told DHS about Hillary’s private system (via Jeff Dunetz):


The State Department does not appear to have submitted legally required information regarding Hillary Clinton’s secret computer server to the Department of Homeland Security during her term as secretary, FoxNews.com has learned.

All federal government agencies are mandated to submit a list of systems, vulnerabilities and configuration issues to DHS every 30 days. The department then performs a “cyberscope audit” to ensure security, a responsibility the agency has had since 2010.

FoxNews.com learned of the lapse as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request submitted June 11. It is not clear if State Department officials in charge of compliance with the DHS audits knew of their boss’s server, which has been shown to have included “top secret” information in emails.

Clinton headed the agency from 2009-2013. The DHS established the “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation” program in 2010, amid growing concerns government systems could be vulnerable to cyber attack. But Clinton’s computer server, through which she and key aides sent and received tens of thousands of emails, was apparently never audited, according to DHS, which conducted a comprehensive search of Office of Cyber Security and Communications records after FoxNews.com lodged its request.


And that means that Hillary Clinton not only thwarted the Federal Records Act and a White House directive that largely barred the use of private e-mail for official purposes, but also an Obama mandate on national security. Now, one can argue that these DHS audits didn’t do much for OPM or the IRS, to name a few agencies with massive hacks of sensitive data, and … they’d be right, of course. But at least those agencies allowed for security audits. The State Department under Hillary Clinton misled DHS through omission, and created yet another layer of vulnerability through another display of impunity on Hillary’s part.

The State Department refuses comment at this time, of course:

“There are reviews and investigations under way, including by the IG and Congress,” said State Department Spokesman Alec Gerlach. “It would not be appropriate to comment on these matters at this time.”

The State Department has stopped digging. Hillary Clinton? Not so much. On yesterday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd offered a handy timeline on how her position “on this debacle has evolved, frankly”:


Hillary’s making up a lot of things these days.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024