Colorado exchange forgets basic rule: job's not done until paperwork complete

Thousands of Colorado residents may find themselves without health-insurance coverage, thanks to the failure of their state exchange to finish their paperwork. Megan Reardon thought she had completed her ObamaCare application in November for herself and her children. In January, she discovered that her application never got filed with her chosen insurer, and she’s not alone (via Newsalert):


Megan Reardon signed up last November. “It said our application was received and they (Connect for Health Colorado) would send notification when our carrier accepted our application,” said Reardon, a stay at home mom with four kids. “I figured it was an easy process and it would be taken care of by January 1.”

But when no notification came in the beginning of the year, she began calling Connect for Health and her chosen insurance company, Kaiser to find out why she had no insurance. “I was told there was no application,” said Reardon.

She became worried, especially with four young kids, who are constantly in-and-out of doctor’s office. “If something happens and we have to go to the ER and all of a sudden I am paying out of pocket?”

A former executive assistant, Reardon kept meticulous records of her calls to Kaiser and Connect for Health. She estimated an average of up to 2 hours a day on the phone trying to get her family health care insurance. “If policy is the law, then we need to make sure it is working.”

More than 2200 other Coloradans have the same problem. On top of that, the sign-up figures for the state ObamaCare exchange are falling far short of the estimated number of uninsured in the state, according to the exchange’s own data. Only 112,000 have signed up (many of whom may not have completed an enrollment), which is only about a sixth of the uninsured in the state:


Lundburg told FOX31 Denver that 750,000 people in Colorado are uninsured and were expected to sign-up for health insurance though the exchange, but with 112,000 signed up less than a week before the March 31 deadline.

“That’s not a success story. If it was supposed to provide more insurance; it’s not doing it,” said Lundurg.

Lindy Hinman, Chief Operating Officer with Connect for Health, disagrees with the 750,000 number provide by Senator Lundburg, stating those number were provided by an outside non-profit agency, not Connect for Health Colorado.

But FOX31 Denver found those same numbers being posted on the state of Colorado’s own webpage concerning questions and answers about Health Care Reform in the state.

I linked it earlier, but I pointed out the extremely wide discrepancy between the numbers of the uninsured and the quickly-shrinking enrollment goals of the Obama administration in my Fiscal Times column today:

The biggest joke, though, is the pride in which the White House promoted its five millionth sign-up earlier this month. The imposition of the Obamacare regiment kicked as many as six million Americans out of their existing plans by the end of 2013 despite the “you can keep your plan” promise, which means that we still have not yet hit the break-even point on market churn. …

If this system works as well as the Obama administration insists, where are all of the uninsured? Why haven’t we seen massive numbers of enrollments from the beginning if that was such a crisis as to require the kind of intervention Democrats imposed, at an estimated cost of $1.5 trillion dollars over the next ten years?


While we consider that, also consider the costs of the distortions that ObamaCare imposes on labor markets. North Carolina substitute teachers have had their hours cut because of the costs to districts for providing health insurance based on the 30-hour work week mandate. For one district, it amounts to $6 million:

If that’s the cost for one school district, imagine what it will be for businesses of any significant size — and guess what they will do to mitigate their exposure to those costs.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024