Video: "This time"

How often do we see the entertainment culture take a stand against abortion — especially one as powerful as John Elefante’s “This Time”?  The former lead singer of Kansas offers an incredibly personal missive based on the story of his own adopted daughter in order to bring attention to Online for Life, which works to rescue babies (and their mothers) from the abortion culture and give them the chance for life.


If you’re not choking up by the end of this video — when John and Sami explain the meaning of this video — check your pulse.

Former “Kansas” lead singer and producer John Elefante is using his newest single “This Time,” to share the story of his adopted daughter’s birth, and in the process, bring some attention to Online for Life (OFL), an educational non-profit working to rescue babies from abortion so they can live to make their mark on the world.

“I can’t imagine life without my daughter, Sami, and it just breaks my heart that pregnant young women much like her birth mother, instead of choosing life for their babies, are denying them the chance to be born,” Elefante said. “If our song can in any way bring attention to this issue and encourage those who are considering abortion to choose life through options such as adoption, then we couldn’t be happier.”

Purchase “This Time” from John’s new album ‘On My Way To The Sun’ on iTunes now

God bless them all.

Update: Terry Jeffrey notes that the House needs to act on HR 940 to prevent ObamaCare from expanding the abortion culture:

H.R. 940 advances a proposition you might expect any decent person to embrace — and it does so by making a small amendment to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

The key language in that amendment says nothing in the Obamacare law “shall require an individual to purchase individual health insurance coverage that includes coverage of an abortion or other item or service to which such individual has a moral or religious objection, or prevent an issuer from offering or issuing, to such individual, individual health insurance coverage that excludes such item or service.”

Similar language in H.R. 940 also protects employers and health-insurance issuers from being forced to buy or provide coverage for items or services to which they have a “moral or religious objection.”

H.R. 940 mirrors the first words in the Bill of Rights, which say: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

To object to H.R. 940, a person must argue that the federal government has the moral and constitutional authority to force Americans to act against the teachings of their religion and the dictates of their conscience.

To defend H.R. 940, a person need only argue it is wrong for the government to force Americans to act against their religion or the conscience.

Yet, President Barack Obama and his bureaucratic subordinates are effectively doing just that by pushing forward with a regulation that will require all health care plans (except those bought directly by actual churches and their immediate auxiliaries) to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs.


Update: Not directly related but nonetheless a terrific read, my friend Elizabeth Scalia has an essay in the Washington Post that questions the coverage in the media of Pope Francis and the dangers of idolatry. In a real sense, we see the dangers in idolatry in the motives that drive the abortion culture, especially the idolatry of self.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024