What do black, Jewish, and Hispanic conservatives think? The Conservative Minority Polling Project wants to find out

Every few months, a Republican says or does something “controversial” that proves to the media that the party is full of racists or near-racists. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) talked about the need to help poor, inner-city Americans, and is labeled a racist — even though what he said is accurate and mirrors something First Lady Michelle Obama said.


Given the media bias faced by Republicans and conservatives, legitimate and sincere outreach into non-white communities is going to be critical for the future of America. This is where John Hawkins’ “Conservative Minority Polling Project” comes in:

If Republicans don’t find better ways to pitch conservatism to black, Hispanic, and Jewish Americans, the GOP will have no choice other than to move to the Left in coming years in order to appeal to these voters. That’s why the single most important thing that Republicans can do over the next few decades is minority outreach.

Hawkins, who founded and runs Right Wing News and Linkiest and is a Townhall.com contributor, is going to be polling conservative black, Hispanic, and Jewish Americans on how to best promote conservative policies in their communities. As Hawkins put it:

Not only do we want to compare these groups to other conservatives, we want to get their advice on how to do outreach. After all, who would know better how to reach out to black Americans than black conservatives? What advice would Hispanic conservatives have about reaching Hispanic Americans? Do Jewish conservatives have any special insight into how to better reach Jewish Americans?

In political circles, it’s been taken as the Word of God that the GOP needs to reach out to minority communities — and there’s a lot of truth in it. America is over two-thirds white, but that is expected to change dramatically by mid-century. And while the white vote goes Republican, it increasingly does so in numbers that are unable to offset growing minority voting.


With the Republican National Committee and major GOP donors already working on minority outreach, one might think the Conservative Minority Polling Project isn’t necessary. However, there is an important distinction between what the RNC and some GOP donors are doing, and Hawkins’ goal with the Project. The former want to get Republicans elected because they are Republicans, and in the case of the donors, many want some form of “comprehensive immigration reform” that includes amnesty.

In other words, the party is prioritized over what is best for the country.

Hawkins’ goal is to promote conservative policies to Hispanic, Jewish, and black Americans. As he noted in his blog post, the GOP is going to have to swing left in the future unless conservative policies are espoused by, and voted for, by non-white Americans. Hawkins’ goal is to grow the conservative movement to help the country by moving the GOP in the right direction — not help the GOP as the end goal, which is what the GOP donors and the RNC are aiming for.

One of the great failings of both parties has been their unwillingness to do what’s best for all Americans, regardless of demographics. Democrats in power, for example, talk about gun control, but ignore that the plurality of homicides are committed by black Americans against other black Americans. And most Republicans in Washington had all but given up on non-white Americans, until recently, because the votes weren’t easily found. Never mind that the combination of GOP abandonment of non-whites and harmful Democratic Party policies hurt real people, not some inanimate bloc of voters.


Are you a black, Jewish, or Hispanic conservative? Heck, are you a black, Jewish, or Hispanic liberal who is tired of watching both parties utterly fail the country as a whole and minorities in particular? Sign up for the Project here, and help Hawkins get one of the parties moving in the right direction.

Dustin Siggins is the Washington, D.C. Correspondent for Lifesitenews.com and formerly the primary blogger with Tea Party Patriots. He is a co-author of the forthcoming book, Bankrupt Legacy: The Future of the Debt-Paying Generation. His work has been published by numerous online and print publications, including USA Today, Roll Call, Hot Air, Huffington Post, Mediaite, and First Things.


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