
Europeans Defend Democracy By Plotting to Strip Hungary of Voting Rights and Canceling Romanian Elections

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, POOL

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ”

― George Orwell, 1984

The light of freedom is dying in Europe. 

If that sounds a bit too dramatic, I humbly dissent. While the reality of the totalitarian wave sweeping across Europe looks a bit more like Brave New World than 1984, the underlying dynamic remains the same: using a mixture of coercion and mind control, an elite is setting ever reduced boundaries on the freedom of its citizens. The carrot is libertinism and sexual liberation, but the stick is the same as it always was--incarceration and various forms of torture like the solitary confinement imposed on Tommy Robinson (or the January 6th prisoners here in the United States). 

Last month we saw the European Union cancel the elections in Romania in order to prevent a populist leader's election and Thierry Breton mused that the EU could use the same tools to cancel Germany's if it looked like the AfD might win a majority in the German Parliament. 

This month the European Union is planning to strip Hungary of its voting rights in the European Parliament because it is not buckling to the reckless open borders policy and eagerness to begin World War III. 

Europeans are free to say anything they want or vote however they like, as long as it mirrors exactly what the transnational elite considers approved opinion. 

If you dissent you are a heretic to be burned at the stake, at least metaphorically. 

All across Europe there are leaders loudly proclaiming their support for Democracy and freedom, explaining that anybody who doesn't comply with the diktats of the technocrats at the European Union or the speech police in London are enemies of the people destined for some sort of gulag or another for being enemies of the state. 

They are saving democracy! These are European values! At least until Sharia law is imposed by the rising Muslim population who are literally going on rape and killing sprees. 

As President Trump tries to save Europe and Ukraine from themselves, European politicians are now explaining that Vladimir Putin is actually right that the West has been waging war against Russia. In a remarkable admission, the EU Vice President explains that the EU strategy is to break up Russia into smaller states that are more manageable--precisely the claim that Putin has made to justify his awful invasion of Ukraine. 

These sociopaths are rampaging over the rights of their own citizens, and demanding Americans foot the bill through military subsidies and USAID, and that Ukrainians pay the price in their blood. 

Vladimir Putin is an evil man. His own campaign against dissent in his own country and willingness to murder and/or imprison dissenters in his own country puts him on the wrong side of the fight for liberty. 

But he has one advantage over our European "allies"--he is no threat to American freedoms, while Europe has determined that it has the right to shut up not only its own citizens but those of Americans. Their attacks on OUR free speech, through censorship organizations and threats to extradite Americans for speaking our minds, threatens our rights more than anything Vladimir Putin has done. 

Even their election interference in American politics dwarfs anything Putin has ever tried. The UK sent campaign workers to canvas for Kamala Harris, the EU threatened X for platforming President Trump, and most European leaders attacked Trump as he was running last year. Comparing $200,000 of Russian Facebook ads to that is absurd. 

European talk about protecting Western values, and in some sense they are. But they are the values that stem from the worst of European ideas and not those to which we have become attached. Our roots are in the Scottish Enlightenment, while theirs mirror the French Revolution's. 

If you recall, the French Revolution loudly proclaimed a Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen--and suspended it immediately in the name of rooting out the state's enemies. What followed was The Terror. 

I don't expect a repeat of The Terror any time soon, of course, although the growing power of Islamists makes me wonder. 

But I do believe that the torch of freedom, which always burned brighter on this side of the Atlantic, is sputtering and about to die in Europe. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025