Does Article II of the Constitution Only Apply to Democrats?

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

The key to understanding liberals is to realize that they believe that words shape reality, so if they keep repeating things, they are necessarily true. 

Granted, only THEIR words shape reality. And words mean only what THEY say they mean. 


That is, in a very tiny nutshell, the premise of Critical Theory. There are lots of Byzantine complications you can add to that description, but if you chop off all the intricate decorations they plaster on a simple structure, it boils down to this: words are power, and our words are the only power that matters. 

Critical Theory is just repackaged Marxism. It was developed when the Marxists realized that the Revolution wasn't coming and that the economic determinism that Marx relied on was false. So the Marxists developed a new way forward, which amounts to gaslighting. There is a fascinating intellectual history, a few things to learn from Critical Studies, but at base it is about weaponizing speech and Narratives™. 

That's how you get from "I don't feel comfortable in my own body" to "I am a woman and you have to call me a woman, treat me as a woman, and ignore all biological women who don't want my dick in their private spaces." Critical theorists can redefine any word at will, impose their definition on you, and crush all dissent when they have power. 

Which gets me to the freakout about Donald Trump exercising his power as President of the United States. We are being told that he is acting as a dictator, being a tyrant, unaccountable to the rightfully ruling bureaucracy, and taking over the military. 

It is, if you believe that there is an immutable truth, words have meaning, that the Constitution has a plain meaning that isn't subject to the whims of leftists, truly insane. 


As I wrote yesterday, Scott Jennings debated the issue on CNN, and it was a superb example of the clash of realities. Touré, a ridiculous "journalist," was doing his critical theory freakout version of Constitutional Law and "civics," based entirely on the claim that the military and the bureaucracy are equal branches of government over which the president should have no power. 

Civilian control of the military? Whoever heard of that? The president is the Chief Executive? Bizarre claim! Tyrannical! Anti-democratic. 

Because, we all know, nothing says "democracy" like faceless bureaucrats sitting at their work-at-home desks in their PJs micromanaging every aspect of our lives and spreading our tax dollars around to their buddies. 

THAT is real democracy. 

I am a simpler man who grew up in a simpler world. I watched Schoolhouse Rock, and found reading the Critical Theorists of the Frankfurt School tedious. 


I still believe the Constitution has a meaning that transcends the fever dreams of Marxists. So let me put this out there as a reminder to people who live in the real world, not a narrative constructed by dime-store Marxists

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows...

Notice that there is zero mention of a bureaucracy? Why not?

Because the bureaucracy works for the president. He is the Chief Executive. The power of the bureaucracy emanates from the power of the president, not the other way around. They are not supposed to be a "check" on the president, as the liberals are telling us, but his eyes, ears, arms and legs throughout the government. 

How about the military? Are they supposed to be independent of the president, as the left is suddenly arguing?

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.


Nowhere does the Constitution say "the president cannot fire generals." Or that General Milley can call his Chinese counterpart to inform him that he will commit TREASON if he doesn't like Trump's orders. 

It says the opposite: the president--the civilian, elected leader of the government controls the military. It is a bedrock principle of any democratic form of government. The alternative is military dictatorship. 

Which the left would be fine with, as long as a leftist were in charge. 

Millions of people read in their Establishment papers what amounts to Marxist propaganda about how our government works. Kids don't get taught civics as you and I would understand it, and for decades we have been sleepwalking into a transnational tyranny. 

I used to think that sort of talk sounded insane. It didn't reflect the country I grew up in. 

But this isn't your father's USA, and if you want anything like a Constitutional government, you have to fight against the people who have been undermining our Republic for decades. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025