Scott Jennings Confuses Liberals By Explaining How the Executive Branch Works

AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

I am not alone in my ecstasy every time I see Scott Jennings eviscerate a liberal on CNN. It is so satisfying to see either the rage or perplexity on their faces as he calmly explains concepts they should have learned in grade school. 


The current hot idea among liberals is that the permanent bureaucracy exists to restrain and provide a check on elected officials, who if they were allowed to exercise their powers, would just screw up a well-oiled machine. 

Scott was confronted with this argument by hysterical liberals who are scared to death about Donald Trump exercising his power as the elected president. 

There is so much to say about this, but the first thing I want to point out is this: this is why Joe Biden was the ideal president for them. His mind was vacant. A friend of mine who works in the federal government actually told me that it was good that Biden was senile because the bureaucracy is a "well-oiled machine" and ran better without political interference. 

This is how they think. Technocracy solved the problem of politics. Rule by the "experts" who decide what is good for you. Elections are pesky annoyances. 


Notice how incensed these "liberals" (I remember when liberals were anti-war) were that Trump was exercising his powers as commander-in-chief. That is an outrage. It is tyrannical! He is authoritarian for choosing his Joint Chiefs of Staff! What about the poor trans people?

Liberals try to talk a good game about preserving democracy, but their model is precisely the opposite. 

A good example is how the European Union works. Did you know that the European Parliament--the only elected body in the EU government--has essentially no power? It is the European Commission that runs the whole show. People like Ursula Von Der Leyen and, until recently, Thierry Breton have all the power and are responsible to nobody. 

Here's a French Member of the European Parliament telling Ursala off.She is referring to the sham election within the European Parliament for the commissioners. There is no alternative to the slate provided, save a token one unacceptable to anyone. 


It is the ideal form of government for people who love technocracy guided by the transnational elite. The people have a nominal say but no real say. The elections don't matter a whit. 

We have a quaint system of government. A Republic with divided powers, elections that (mostly or should) matter, 

I have shared Chuck Schumer's warning to Trump about the Intelligence Community many times. "They have six ways from Sunday to get you." Again--obey the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats or else. 

Leftists are enemies of democratic processes. They find them messy, the outcomes unpredictable, and often unacceptable because they get stripped of power, and work to undermine them every day. 

And liberals, being hypereducated, agree. It is why they hate Trump. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025