Are We About to See Ramp Up of Trans Violence?

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Ten years ago I would never have thought that I would be writing about an uptick in violence from trans activists. 

In fact, if you asked me, I would have told you that while I had no data, I would think that transgender people were more likely to be victims of bigoted violence than to commit it. 


On that latter point, I would have been mostly wrong--it turns out from the statistics that, statistically speaking, transgender people are victims of murder at a lower rate than the general population, although the numbers are so small that it is hard to trust that the statistics are significant. 

I also would have assumed that transgender people were not especially likely to commit violent crimes, and for all I know, that is still the case, although the recent rush of men in prison "transing" to get into women's prisons probably skews the statistics. The numbers probably look really bad now, but I sincerely doubt that many of the men bucking to get into women's prisons are actually "trans" in any meaningful way. 

But...there is a disturbing trend in the past couple of years that suggests the political activism surrounding alphabet ideology has created a new category of terrorism: trans terrorism. 

We are all aware of the recent spate of transgender-related violence, and the hits just keep on coming. I didn't know that the murder of the Border Patrol agent murdered ten days ago was committed by a trans activist, or that the person who tried to enter the capitol building to murder Trump appointees was also transgender.


Andy Ngo is reporting that there appears to be a transgender terror cell in the United States that is committing murders, and given the ramping up of rhetoric and emotional outbursts among the alphabet cult there are likely more individuals and perhaps even groups looking to "strike back" at what they perceive to be a war on transgenderism. 

Obviously, I don't agree with either the assertion that transgender people are being scapegoated or that they are targets of hatred. The argument we are having is mainly about transing the kids and, of course, the question of men who identify as transgender having access to spaces set aside exclusively for women. Few people actually care whether men want to dress as women or women identify in their mind as men. The issue concerns how far the rest of us have to go to accommodate their desires. 


Alphabet activists don't see things that way at all. Their goal is to queer everything, evangelize for transgenderism, sterilize children (trans activists are now regularly arguing that puberty itself should be delayed because it is involuntary, regardless of the self-perception of children), and to allow them to set the boundaries for what is acceptable in society as a whole. 

There is a culture war here, but "cis" people are not the aggressors. But again, radical trans activists see opposition to their agenda as genocidal, and a movement to strike back violently has arisen. 


This movement is reminiscent of the 60s radical movements in which extremists decided that "bourgeois" society had to be destroyed and proceeded to go on violent rampages to make that happen. 

Now, as then, the less violence-prone left is not exactly joining the movement but also is not exactly condemning it. There is a growing "fellow traveler" movement that sides with the goals of the alphabet activists and even, in some cases, celebrates them. Remember how, after Audrey Hale killed young students at the Covenant Christian school, the protests at the capitol in Nashville identified her as the 7th victim?

Audrey Hale. As the victim. The left thinks this way. As children get buried, their killer gets labeled the victim. 

It's going to get worse before it gets better. 

As in the 60s, the truly dangerous people will be a radical fringe, but those radicals are being encouraged by incredibly heated rhetoric in an already heated environment. Expect there to be versions of trans activists who mimic the tactics of the Symbionese Liberation Army and other radical groups in the 60s, but perhaps more dangerous. 


Radical chic is back, only bigger. I suspect things will get ugly. 

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