How MSNBC Honored Holocaust Victims

Townhall Media

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, or in the eyes of Joy Reid, it is just another day to accuse Donald Trump of being a Nazi. 

Ten million people were exterminated in the Holocaust, including six million Jews. It was among the most horrific acts of inhumanity in history, both in scale and intent. It is a time to somberly remember man's inhumanity to man and, in particular, to remember that even civilized countries can, in certain circumstances, become monstrous. 


The United States in 2025 is apparently the same as Germany in the 1930s and 40s because we are deporting criminal illegal aliens. 

The Democrats and the left's constant propaganda comparing Trump to Hitler isn't just tiresome and politically ineffective, although it is both of those. It is an affront to the victims of Hitler who were herded into concentration camps, starved, made slaves, experimented upon, and gassed to death by the millions. 

Donald Trump is not a Nazi. Elon Musk is not a Nazi. Republicans are not Nazis. And the least that CNN, MSNBC, CNN, and all the other Pravda Media can do is not repeat these slanders on a day on which we are supposed to reflect on what the actual Nazis did. 


There is a thread on X that I ran across, and I will not share all of the horrific photos because they will make you ill, but the Holocaust is unique because it amounted to industrial-scale murder in a way that even larger acts of mass murder by, say, Genghis Khan were not. The murders were intentional, documented, bureaucratized, and intended to eradicate people from the earth for no other reason than their heritage. 

Comparing Donald Trump and Elon Musk to Hitler displays a moral vacuity that should make one disqualified from polite society and condemn one to an insane asylum, but instead, the people who do this routinely, even on this day, are held up as moral exemplars by our cultural elite. 

The #resistance to Trump is on the ropes, but, contra some people, I don't think it is dead. 


There is a genuine problem with antisemitism in this country, but Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the opponents of this movement while the people who accuse them of being Nazis are allied with the real antisemites. 

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