American Media Loves Terrorists As Much As It Hates Republicans

AP Photo/Hassan Ammar

How much does the corporate media love terrorists?

So much so that the depth of their love matches their hatred of Republicans, and that's saying a lot. 

Everybody remembers when the Washington Post memorialized Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar" instead of as one of the most blood-stained men in the world, all because it was Donald Trump who had him taken out. In fact, most of our MSM betters give glowing obituaries to terrorists as they are taken out. 


Well, the Associated Press has done it again, with Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader whose reign of terror has led to the deaths of Arabs and Israelis for decades. 

He was "charismatic and shrewd," you see. And, as with all the other bastards they have eulogized over the years, he hated America with a passion. 

That's good enough for our MSM. He must be a good guy. 

Let's look at how the Associated Press introduces the shrewd mastermind to the world:

An astute strategist, Nasrallah reshaped Hezbollah into an archenemy of Israel, cementing alliances with Shiite religious leaders in Iran and Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas.

Idolized by his Lebanese Shiite followers and respected by millions of others across the Arab and Islamic world, Nasrallah holds the title of sayyid, an honorific meant to signify the Shiite cleric’s lineage dating back to the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

A fiery orator viewed as an extremist in the United States and much of the West, he is also considered a pragmatist compared to the militants who dominated Hezbollah after its founding in 1982, during Lebanon’s civil war.


Americans viewed him as an "extremist," but he was really a pragmatist. Uh-huh. That pragmatist has been sending rockets into Israel for decades and led an organization that bombed the American embassy in Lebanon. I wonder why people thought he was an extremist. 

The moral inversion we see in media coverage of the Middle East reflects a deep anti-Western attitude in the internationalist media, which is animated most of all by anti-Americanism and a strong pro-Iran bias. That attitude reflects the growing anti-Western ideals of the left in general. It manifests in many ways: climate alarmism, gender ideology, decolonization movements, and even siding with the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah. 

The whitewashing of terrorists isn't a mystery once you understand that the primary goal of the modern left is to destroy all vestiges of Western culture, it makes sense. Why they think our culture will be replaced with a superior one doesn't. I can't imagine leftists want to live under Sharia law, so clearly, they see an alliance with Islamists as a temporary tactical move, not a durable state of affairs. 


But this mistake is one that leftists have made going back to the French Revolution, believing they can reign in extremists once they destroy the hated status quo. It never happens. The Terror happens, or the Cultural Revolution, or the victory of the Bolsheviks and eventually Stalin. 

It doesn't matter. I won't feel a sense of satisfaction if the radicals take out the "moderate" leftists once civilization is destroyed. 

One thing we have to realize is that the left is an even bigger enemy than the Islamists. Israel has shown that you can take out the terrorists if you unleash the full force of a healthy republic. The left's absurd alliance with the terrorists is what holds us back from doing so, as they deploy their propaganda machine to demonize the civilized and elevate the barbarians to hero status. 

Millions of Americans trust the MSM when they attack Israel and turn Hamas butchers into martyrs. They enable barbarism. They, as much as the terrorists, need to be destroyed, if by different means. 

We need a leader in America who will kill the Soleimanis and Nasrallahs of the world, which means we need Donald Trump to win. 

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024