The Problem With Walz...

AP Photo/Joe Lamberti

I was on the radio yesterday with Mark Reardon in St. Louis, and naturally, we talked about Kamala Harris' choice of Tim Walz for Vice President. 

As a Minnesotan, I can claim a bit of extra knowledge about the guy, although I can guarantee you that the opposition research folks at the RNC have tons more dirt on Walz than I can ever imagine. 


Which, ironically, is a problem for them. 

Tim Walz is a target-rich environment when it comes to attacks on his character, his policies, and most of all his actions as governor when under pressure. 

He is literally such a bad person and governor that figuring out which few things to focus on is a difficult problem. If you discuss a tenth of his faults, you will leave people's minds spinning, and too little of it will break through and settle into people's minds. 

Do you focus on his stolen valor? He, after all, suddenly retired from a career in the National Guard when notified that he would have to deploy to Iraq. 

No, that his hardly his biggest flaw, so I wouldn't spend much time on it.

How about his drunk driving arrest?

Pshaw! That was a long time ago and doesn't even make the top 20 list in the parade of horribles. If anything, it makes the guy seem relatable to many folks. 

How about his radical record in Congress? Walz brags that he is more leftist on abortion than Nancy Pelosi. Surely that would be worth a few shots in the campaign?

Nope. I might target that message in a few places for obvious reasons, but even being a supporter of abortion until birth isn't as powerful a message as Walz' radicalism in his actions as governor. 

It's not Walz' POLICIES that will expose him as a radical; it is what he says and does under pressure when he has to act as a governor that will shock Americans into seeing just what a tyrannical socialist tool he is. 


Tim Walz isn't the avuncular High School football coach he presents as. When push comes to shove he is a very, very radical man whom the Democratic Socialists of America are celebrating as their own hand-picked choice for Vice President. 

"The Squad" went wild with delight when he was chosen, and not just because they vanquished the hated Jew Josh Shapiro, but because Walz is one of them and a strong ally of Ilhan Omar. 

Republicans will have to settle on just a few lines of attack to define Walz in the public eye. The Democrats have chosen their line--he is coach grandpa from the Midwest, who could appear in any number of Norman Rockwell paintings, and who has some 2nd-rate hard candy to give you that you must pretend to like. A bit goofy, but likable. 

Republicans have to show Tim Walz for the politician who not only let Minneapolis burn, but initially celebrated it as an exciting moment to bring social justice to our systemically racist country. 


Tim Walz and Kamala Harris tag-teamed in support of the rioters. He let them run riot, and Kamala Harris raised $35 million to bail the few rioters who were arrested out of jail. Together they made the riots an ongoing crisis first in our city, and then across the country. 

The Mayor of Minneapolis BEGGED for Tim Walz to send in the National Guard and he refused, and when things got so out of control Walz tried to pin the blame on Mayor Frey. 

Before he deployed them, Walz, who had been a guardsman himself, denigrated his former comrades as inexperienced cooks and clerks who would be dangerous to deploy. This, despite the fact that when they were actually deployed he disarmed them, putting their bodies on the line without any means to defend them. 


Walz is also an unabashed socialist, joining Kamala Harris in her love of government-enforced equality. He famously called socialism another word for "neighborliness," and his love of critical race theory led him to distribute COVID vaccines and treatments by race. A 19-year-old healthy black girl would get in the line ahead of a 60-year-old white man with congestive heart failure. 


And I haven't gotten to his love of transing the kids, making people attracted to children a protected class, and Minnesota a sanctuary state for non-custodial parents who kidnapped their children to sterilize and mutilate their children. 

It's a target-rich environment, and Republicans will have to choose 2 or three of these issues to define him. He is literally so bad a governor, so much a tyrant, so communist-adjacent that no sane person could believe he really is that bad and on a national ticket. 


It's an odd situation, especially when you consider that Kamala Harris had such better choices. Josh Shapiro was the obvious choice, given his popularity in must-win Pennsylvania. He is naturally talented, likable, smart, and not insane. 

The Walz choice is a stark reminder that Harrismania is a bubble, inflated by the mainstream media. That doesn't mean she can't win, of course. 

But she is really, really bad at politics. 

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