Hilarious: J.D. Vance Talks to Kamala Harris' Press Gaggle Since She Refuses To

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Does life get any funnier than this?

Scott Adams often jokes that the "simulation"--he asserts we live in a computer simulation run by aliens, although I can't tell if he is serious or not--is constantly sending us signals through absurd coincidences. 


One such coincidence: Trump is now running against Walz. Donald Trump OPPOSES WALZ. Get it?

Well, I'm not sure if this is another example of the simulation playing with us, but J.D. Vance had the opportunity to exploit the absurdity of Kamala Harris' campaign for president. 

Vance and Harris happened to be at the same airport at pretty much the same time, so he walked over to inspect Air Force 2--his future plane, obviously--and then met with the media gaggle who follow Harris without getting to talk to her. It has so far been 17 days since Harris has answered a media question, so these guys must be bored. 

Vance decided to brighten their day. 

I may have a weird sense of humor, but I find that hilarious. The Kamala Harris press corps gets nothing from her but get a chance to ask J.D. Vance questions. Not that they did much of that, either because they were stunned, out of practice, or so in the tank for Harris that they couldn't figure out what to say. 

Whatever the reason they were so pathetic, Vance gave them more to report than Kamala has in recent weeks. Sure, they can write fawning stories about her rallies and how Tim Walz is a war hero/godlike Carhatt-wearing avuncular dad who comforts all Americans, but they never get to actually cover any news. 


Vance at least gave them the opportunity to gather news. They didn't take it, but he tried. 

Walz has been learning from Kamala as he travels the country with her, and is now avoiding questions too. 

The stolen valor issue is out there, and the media tried to get a response out of him. Not that they cared to chat with the actual Iraq veteran in the race, but at least they wanted a quote with which they could spin Walz's lies about his service. 

Walz declined, which was smart. He is a total jerk when he is angry, and he has very thin skin. Best to avoid answering a question like that. 

This is turning out to be the most bizarre election cycle in my lifetime, and I lived through 2020 and 2016. We have supposedly serious politicians spreading ridiculous hoaxes about sex with couches, lying about their service records, refusing to talk with the media AT ALL, and getting the benefit of the most ridiculous and dishonest tongue bath from the media I have ever seen. 

Is there a journalist in America who will call foul and try to do his job? 

You see occasional hints from Jake Tapper, who I think is pretty biased but not a liar, and Van Jones is a partisan Democrat but not a liar either. I could spend hours criticizing both, but I think they understand their jobs.


But as you can see, the Kamala Korps of "reporters" can't even seize an opportunity to gather news if it is handed to them on a platter. 

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024