Dems Focus on Trans Day of Visibility Over Easter

Screenshot of Government Twitter Post

My wife is out of town, so my Easter Sunday has been a mix of watching podcasts on YouTube (Mike Rowe is great!) and, stupidly, reading Twitter posts. 

As I wrote about Friday night, President Biden declared Easter Sunday to be a Trans Day of Visibility (apparently this is now an annual holiday to be celebrated around the world), offending more than a few of us. It's not like every third day isn't some sort of trans day of something, so couldn't Biden have left Good Friday and Easter Sunday alone? 


It's only about the death and resurrection of Jesus. You don't have to believe (Biden claims to, of course) to at least respect those of us who do. 

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York lit up the city in trans flag colors because, you know, God got it wrong when he embodied people or something. 

What was striking about my travels through Twitter was the number of tweets from Democrat politicians (and government agencies) telling me about how I should celebrate the "bravery" of transgender people. I'm sure there are indeed brave transgender people, but as a class, the ones who stand out and demand celebration seem to be among the most obnoxious and in-your-face people in America. 

Joe Biden had one short message wishing Americans a happy Easter, but put out two longer messages with huge images about the Transgender Day of Visibility, just to make sure we got the point about where his priorities lie. 


Kamala Harris got into the act, of course, because, well, transgender people must be in some Venn Diagram or another, and I heard that many like yellow school buses. 

Just to ensure that the message is pounded into your head like a nail, the official White House Twitter feed also pushed out the same message.My guess is that if a person at the White House uttered the phrase "He is risen" the general answer would be "who?"

Our Secretary of Education jumped into the fray, assuring the young men and women of America that they really should embrace the idea of sterilizing and mutilating themselves, and by the way the feds will send you free pornography if you ask nicely. 

The US Attorney for the District of Columbia--who is notoriously soft on crime, by the way--took time out of his not-so-busy schedule of harassing Republicans instead of prosecuting criminals to proclaim his fealty to the Narrative™. 


Every good Leftist in politics got into the act, of course, and I could go on and on, but you get the idea. The enthusiasm for pushing this out to us on Easter is a bit baffling, not only because it is insane but also because it is an election year. Do they want to create enough rage among Republicans that we look like angry people, or are they just so oblivious to how ordinary people see this laser focus on alphabet ideology?

Biden's simple message wishing us a happy Easter was nothing special but inoffensive enough. But it seemed more obligatory and unenthusiastic than genuine, unlike his TDOV posts, which were flamboyant, effusive, and eye-catching. 

With all this said, let me add something: people who suffer from gender dysphoria are God's children as much as you or I, and one of the reasons this issue generates so much passion in me is that all this celebration of their mental illness harms them as well as others. The girls who must share locker rooms and playing fields with men are being harmed, of course, but the biggest victims are those undergoing life-changing medical treatments before they can begin to understand the harm being done to them. 


These politicians are using those children as political weapons, and it is disgusting. Sometime, and I hope it is soon, Americans will wake up to this horror. 

Let's all say a prayer for the children, and then get to work ousting these monsters who are sacrificing them on the alter of gender ideology. 

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HotAir Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025