Insanity Everywhere: Law and Order SVU Edition

(AP Photo/John Carucci)

A black man can rape a white woman and should be able to get away with it.

That is apparently the lesson that Law and Order, SVU is suggesting.


This is the most insane thing I have seen in minutes. But only because the world itself is nothing but insanity.

My last shred of hope is that the average American watches this kind of scene and is revolted by what they saw: a woman justifying her rapist’s actions because of his race.

In the episode, “Truth Embargo,” the rape occurs during a mass smash-n-grab robbery of a high-end store. One of the masked looters spots a shopper in a bathing suit near the dressing room and attacks her.

At the hospital, the victim, Natalie (Romina D’Ugo), falsely claims she did not see the rapist because he was wearing a mask. Video store cameras later show he took off his mask before entering the dressing area.

Natalie’s lesbian partner, Brooke (Keeley Miller), is angry at police detectives when she meets them in the hospital, somehow blaming them for New York City’s spiking crime:

Brooke: [Scoffs] What happened to this city? I mean– are the police trying to prove some kind of point?

Detective Velasco: What point is that?

Brooke: That we still need you.

More evidence piles up, which points to a black man named Jay Watson (Mykey Cooper). Natalie reluctantly identifies him in a police line-up, and he is arrested.

The implication, of course, is that the police are at fault for seeking to identify the rapist and arresting him. In a just world, apparently, we would have defunded the police because they only exist to oppress young black men. Who, after all, naturally want to rape white women because of all that oppression they have been subject to over the centuries.


Or something. Makes little sense to me. Normally you would expect the lesbians to assign the blame for the rape to misogyny, but in a weird twist the race of the perpetrator makes it OK.

Benson: Brooke. How are you holding up?

Brooke: Not great. I was up all night with Natalie. She was inconsolable.

Benson: That’s understandable. Look, when a person goes through a trauma like that, they can end up in a very vulnerable state.

Brooke: Yeah, it wasn’t about that.

Benson: Okay, then what?

BrookeWe’re acutely aware of the systemic inequities that exist within the criminal justice system.

Benson: You mean for people like Jay.

Brooke: Yeah. Our concern is that he might not receive a fair trial.

BensonWell, I can’t deny that there’s a history of racial bias. It’s certainly not a perfect system.

Brooke: How do you do this every day?

Benson: My focus, my priority is on healing. So I do what I can.

Mind. Blown. What universe do the writers of this episode live in? Are there actually women who, upon getting sexually assaulted, become anguished at the thought of their attackers being punished?

Benson: But Natalie, Jay Watson raped you.

Natalie: Do you think I forgot? How could I? This entire trial has been an exercise in reminding me.

Carisi: And this is your chance to do something about it.

Natalie: I am going to, believe me. Because I can. I can afford therapy. I have that luxury.  And maybe, one day…I’ll be okay. But if that teenager goes to prison? He may not be. Ever. [crying] I don’t want that.


Perhaps there are in their world. However I suspect that is only the case for women who have not actually suffered from sexual assaults. After all, the definition of a conservative convert is a liberal who got mugged. Rarely do people who suffer victimization themselves remain quite so forgiving of criminals.

Not in SVU’s world, though. Whites can afford therapy, while Blacks cannot escape the consequences and hence should get of.

Carisi: I’m listening, Mr. Carter.

Carter: Go ahead, Jay.

Watson: That girl, Natalie. I did what she said. She ain’t lying.

Carisi: Okay.

Watson: I took something. Something I can’t give back. It was just supposed to be a robbery. But when I saw her– my whole life, nobody paid attention to anything I did. Not at home, not at school. Always felt kind of invisible, you know? So why would this be any different? What I did to Natalie…I did. Changed her life forever. So, I guess I finally learned my lesson. Just too late.

Carisi: It’s never too late, Mr. Watson. You’ll do time. But not your whole life. When you get out, you’ll still have some runway ahead of you. And taking responsibility for what you did is only the first step. Let’s speak to Ms. Ross.

The rapist learned his lesson. So he gets a plea deal even though they have him dead to rights.


Rape is one of the worst imaginable crimes, up there with murder and pedophilia. The idea that it is justified or mitigated by the race of the perpetrator is appalling, but makes perfect sense to the writers of SVU.

I have no words.

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