Sunday Smiles

Our long national nightmare is almost over.

No, I am not referring to Joe Biden losing the 2024 election and leaving office. That is at least 13 months away.

I am referring to something much more momentous–the end of the Christmas music season.


Some people have been indoctrinated to believe that Christmas music is cheerful, uplifting, and a reminder of good cheer; those people are quite wrong.

This may have been the case in the days before stores started playing holiday songs starting at Halloween. But ever since some sadistic genius decided that Christmas cheer should begin in November, I have been gnashing my teeth for two months out of the year.

As it is, the Christmas season now consumes as many days of the year as LGBTQIA+ holidays, days of remembrance, days of rage, and whatever other phony months, weeks, days, and hours we are required to celebrate.

If I sound like Scrooge, it is only because I prefer the whole 12 days of Christmas theme. I would even negotiate to 15 days, although that reminds me too much of “15 Days to Slow the Spread.”

How about 14 days, then? Two whole weeks of holiday music seems enough to me. No more.

It’s not like “White Christmas” is Mozart or Beethoven, and don’t get me started on those “funny” Christmas songs. I hate them. They were funny the first 130 times I heard them, but after that first year, they got old fast. I don’t want to know about Santa’s sex life or sleigh accidents. Not me.

I am no Grinch. Margaret and I flew out to Michigan to have Christmas dinner with her father. I am making a standing rib roast (prime rib), Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, and Apple Cider Vinegar Brussels Sprouts. We will pray together, enjoy each others’ company, and thank God for his goodness and forgiveness. There will also be Tiramisu.


See? I am in the Christmas spirit!

The manufactured cheer gets to me: that and the darned music.

With that said, I do enjoy a good Christmas movie.

Margaret and I watch Die Hard every Christmas week. The ending always makes me weep, realizing that, in fact, the good guys can indeed win.
































































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