Watch How Feds Move Unaccompanied Minors Around the Country

AP Photo/Eric Gay

You would think the MSM would pay attention to the scandal taking place at the border–and all around the country.

So far the Biden Administration has lost over 85,000 unaccompanied minors–they take them in at the border, process them, fly them around the country, and they are never seen or heard from again.


If you or I did this, it would be human trafficking. Federal contractors do it every day.

It is sickening.

The Democrats keep telling us that it violates American values not to do this.

They can say this because nobody knows exactly what they are doing–and nobody knows what they are doing because the MSM is running interference for them.

Glenn Youngkin puts a few hundred illegal immigrants on a bus, and it is a national scandal, with Democrat Mayors and governors getting wall-to-wall coverage backing up their outrage at how cruel the governor is. Joe Biden hires contractors to do this in the middle of the night, which is called compassion.

Maybe he is doing it because he loves his son or something. That apparently is the get-out-of-jail-free card that covers every Biden sin.

Bill Melugin of Fox News seems to be the only reporter on the illegal immigration beat, and the video he takes is horrifying.


But Bill can’t be everywhere all at once, and until the hoards of illegals wind up in Blue cities–the MSM only cares about what happens in Chicago or New York, it seems–nobody has a good idea what happens to the migrants.

When millions are crossing the border–we are currently at a rate of over 4.6 million a year–a few thousand put on a bus by Governor Abbot is irrelevant. The federal government is the one moving these aliens around and dumping them in cities across America.

Among those, of course, are the minors who have been trafficked into the United States and whom the US government eventually delivers to traffickers within the country.

That at least 85,000 have been “lost” by the federal government should be the biggest of many scandals the Biden Administration faces, but it is totally off the radar. The MSM doesn’t care because they are “saving democracy” and defeating Donald Trump’s “fascism.”

It is a form of child sacrifice.

When I was coming home from Michigan over Thanksgiving, I saw this in the airport restroom and shook my head.


We have a National Human Trafficking Hotline, yet the biggest human trafficker in the world these days is the US federal government. Mexican cartel members deliver children to the Border Patrol, and the Border Patrol hands them over to bureaucrats, who then hand them over to a new set of traffickers.

If you think the government has time to properly vet the “guardians,” you are deluding yourself. These kids are doing forced labor, some are winding up in the sex trafficking business, and God knows what else.

This policy begins at the top–Biden and Mayorkas want this to happen and are fighting like hell to ensure it continues.

There is nothing compassionate about these policies. Women are raped on the way up here, and we have no idea how many are abused or even die along the way.

And, of course, we have no idea how many people are coming in who intend to harm American citizens or our country as a whole. How could we? All we know are the raw numbers, which come from all over the world, including China and the Middle East.

We are on a path to bring in 5 million more illegal migrants by the end of Biden’s administration, with a total likely exceeding 10-12 million during his term.


The House of Representatives can’t stop this on their own–they can’t even get enough votes to impeach Mayorkas. Not that this would matter in the long run since the policy begins at the top. The MSM could at least inform Americans, but they care more about protecting Biden than the country.

Over time the work of independent media outlets does make a difference–Americans are waking up to the problem. That’s why it is so important that our readers support our work. We can’t get the message out as fast as the MSM, but we do get it out over the long run. Immigration is now on the radar in a way that it wasn’t before.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024