The Rebellious 'Act of Love' Defense

(AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

Having sex at the US Capitol is an act of rebellion because Republicans disapprove.

Anything Republicans disapprove of is de facto a good thing.

You just knew this defense was coming (no pun intended).


We have now officially entered the phase of civilization’s decline, and getting sodomized in the same room where Supreme Court Justices are vetted is giving a blow to democracy. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

So, it’s official. Senator Ben Cardin’s office has told Politico that “Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the US Senate.” Goaded by demagogic republicans, the Capitol police has now also opened an investigation.

As republicans pounce on an opportunity to destroy young activist Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the discourse around the senate hearing room love display raises serious questions about the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ community.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve already seen the viral video making the rounds on every social media feed there is. Republicans just can’t stop watching the 8 second clip featuring two men embracing each other in love while you can briefly see an empty room in the background.

It turns out one of the lovemaking men was Aidan Maese-Czeropski, and the room was recognized by some as the senate hearing room.

We get it. It’s the most important room in America. It was in this very room that Sonia Sotomayor herself had her confirmation hearing, and won despite an entire oligarchy reorienting itself to wipe her out. This is also where James Comey exposed the Russian interference in the 2016 elections, to the chagrin of the treason party.

But in a world built on hate, displays of love are inherently rebellious. Every second that Aidan and his partner made love in the halls of power was pregnant with poignant meaning.


I can tell you that I, like many people, have NOT watched the clip. Gay porn is not my thing, you see. Leftists assume that because they are obsessed with perversion, the rest of us must be as well.

Also, contra Afru’s staff, I don’t hate gays. Only a Leftist would imagine that disapproving of having sex in every position and every location is driven by hate.

No, it is driven by a sense that perhaps we shouldn’t be rutting like animals every chance we get. It is called being civilized, which is, admittedly, an exception in the hallowed halls of the Capitol.

Let’s recognize the fallout from the incident for what it is: a stochastic far right attack on gay rights activists. As republicans fire up their hate machine in preparation for the 2024 elections, Aidan’s very life is now on the line. Let’s not fool ourselves. Right-wing attacks will scream with ever increasing pitch from darkweb radio stations and social media channels until some insurrectionist nutjob picks up a gun and the intended consequences have become fait accompli.

A “stochastic far-right attack on gay rights activists.”

Well, if it is the case that gay rights activists can’t behave like normal adults, I am fine with that. Acting like adults should, in fact, be a minimal standard.

My own experience, though, having worked with a lot of gay Republicans over the years, is that they can act like adults. It is the Left-wing activists who think that this is a White Supremacist standard intended to oppress the downtrodden.


I seem to recall that people got outraged by Bill Clinton’s adventures in the Oval Office, and gay rights had nothing to do with that.

As odd as it may seem to a Leftist, sticking your bum in the air and, well, you know, is not a basic human right. At least not at one’s workplace. You would think that would be obvious to the meanest of intelligence.

“You be you” is now the standard by which all acts be judged. If taking a dump on a street while high as a kite is “you,” then be “you.”

Well here’s a dirty little secret: civilization is not the default condition for human beings. Acting like barbarians is. We spend a lot of effort turning barbarian children into civilized adults, and encouraging people to rebel against civilization will not end well.

So, for God’s sake, don’t be “you.” Be civilized instead.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024