UK Government Backing Off Gender Transition in Schools

(Scott Threlkeld/The Advocate via AP)

The European backlash against alphabet ideology is moving apace.

The latest example is the UK government’s proposed guidance on treating gender transitions in schools. While it doesn’t outright ban the social transition of students in school, it is intended to discourage it.


And, most importantly, it outright states that “no child is born in the wrong body.” This is about as explicit a statement that the foundational principle of alphabet ideology is wrong.

The guidance to educators also makes clear that schools must listen to the parents’ opinions, not reject them in favor of students’ whims. Not only is this important as a matter of principle, but it recognizes that students are too young and unformed to distinguish between transitory impulses and rational long-term decisions. It also recognizes that schools are not equipped to substitute for parents in ensuring the well-being of children.


Recognizing that educators are not substitutes for loving parents or, for that matter, physicians and mental health professionals seems blindingly obvious. Even if teachers were, in fact, as deeply invested in the welfare of children in their care (they obviously aren’t), they don’t have the training, experience, or for that matter long-term relationship with a child to determine what is in their best interest.

Many teachers can’t even successfully teach kids the subject matter in which they are trained. Student achievement has plummeted as teachers have adopted a “mental health” teaching model. This trend has been a disaster.

The presumption that adults must affirm students’ self-image is absurd. If students were well equipped to make life decisions and take care of themselves, there would be no need for an education system in the first place.

Unsurprisingly, Stonewall, the UK’s version of the Human Rights Campaign, is coming out strong against the new guidelines.


Their argument boils down to a few points, none of wich is convincing. The first is very familiar: affirming student’s feelings is vital to their mental health–anybody who has dealt with children for an extended period knows that this is often the opposite of the case. In fact, kids need adult models and guidance because they don’t have a firm grasp on reality, have a poor understanding of the long-term consequences of their actions, and certainly don’t have a firm self-image, including body image.

They haven’t been in their body for long, and for as long as they have been alive their bodies have been changing constantly and dramatically. A 7-year-old hasn’t lived in the “same body” for a single day of their life, and a child going through puberty has no idea what life after puberty could possibly be like. It is absurd to take a kid’s word when it comes to body image.

The other major point Stonewall makes has to do with “bullying,” and, let’s be honest, the likelihood that a boy dressing as a girl will be bullied is much higher than a boy dressing in a gender-appropriate manner. Stonewall’s guidance is based on an assertion that is 100% contrary to experience.


The guidance is clear that educators should be supportive of kids, but not in the manner that the alphabet activists like. Rather than telling kids that they are defective–which alphabet ideology, in fact, does–they are encouraged to believe that their bodies are just fine.

Encouraging kids to feel comfortable in the bodies God gave them is a good thing while telling them they need constant and damaging medical care and surgeries to “be who they really are” is the opposite.

It’s good to see a dose of common sense. It comes so rarely these days.

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