UK Minister States the Obvious

(AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File)

Remember when you were a crazy conspiracy theorist who needed to be censored if you believed the WuFlu was made in a Chinese lab?

I do. So does everybody who was censored and vilified for stating what was plainly evident to the meanest intellect.


Not that we, who do not have access to the reams of hidden evidence, can state with 100% certainty that China engineered the virus, but you’d have to be an idiot to believe it wasn’t somewhere between likely and certainly so. A US-funded lab with poor biosecurity that requested funding to do gain-of-function research on SARS viruses and whose own scientists were among the first to be infected, situated in the middle of the city where the virus hit first…

Yeah, well, they did it. You know it, I know it, and the people who censored us know it too.

Now that a few governments are looking back on the damage done to people and society in the fruitless battle to fight COVID, the UK government has been defending their execrable performance with a new excuse: it was super-hard to do so because the virus was likely man-made.

That’s a take. It doesn’t actually explain why they screwed up so badly and caused so much avoidable damage, but at least it is a vaguely plausible take.

There is a “significant body of judgment” that believes coronavirus “was man made,” top U.K. Minister Michael Gove said Tuesday, as he defended the way his country responded to the global pandemic.

In comments that go further than any U.K. minister has so far in questioning the origins of the virus that swept the world in 2020, Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove told the U.K.’s official COVID-19 inquiry the virus’s “novel” origins complicated the state’s response.

“We were not as well prepared as we should have been ideally, that is true,” Gove admitted Tuesday. “Again, it’s in the nature of the fact that the virus was novel.”

He went on: “And indeed, though I think this probably goes beyond the remit of the inquiry, there is a significant body of judgment that believes that the virus itself was man made — and that presents its own set of challenges as well.”


How the virus arrived on our shores doesn’t actually change the best way to deal with it, so I don’t buy the excuse. But it does have the virtue of revealing to be true what any sane person who wasn’t desperate to affirm a false “scientific consensus” knew.

This begs the question of why it was so important to shut down all discussions of what was a very live and politically important issue. If the virus was man-made, questions arise about how and why it escaped, what was done to create it, and who was behind its creation. I, for one, am pretty sure that Fauci was involved in its creation, and that, in turn, suggests that putting the arsonist in charge of putting out the fire was a mistake. It also suggests that US involvement in giving research funds to sketchy labs abroad should be rethought.

The UK investigators looking into COVID policy didn’t care for Gove’s statement of the obvious, indicating that while the elite consensus that the public doesn’t deserve the truth is breaking down, the censors still have quite a bit of power.

Gove was promptly cut off by his questioner, the inquiry lawyer Hugo Keith, for roving from the brief of the COVID-19 hearings and into the “somewhat divisive issue” of the virus’s origins.

The origins of COVID-19 are still being investigated. Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that an investigation into the source of the virus had been stalled due to difficulties in collaborating with China.

Gove’s comments take him beyond where any U.K. minister or official has publicly ventured. In May, the Department of Health and Social Care said only that there are still “questions that need to be answered”.


Clearly, the powers that be are leery of allowing open discussion of this obvious truth because it puts them in a serious spot of trouble: they have lied about this for years, and nobody wants to admit it. That a government minister has–even if only to cover his own rear end–puts everybody who has been cheering on the censorship-industrial complex in a tough spot.

So they shut him down.

Over time, as the hysteria has waned, public opinion has been coalescing around the lab leak theory. Many people have gone into the modified limited hangout mode of saying: “Sure, it was a mistake, but we didn’t know it at the time.”

That’s better than sticking to a defense of the indefensible, but it is pure BS. They bought into government and MSM-generated hysteria and don’t want to deal with the shame.

For people who did it early on, it’s easy to forgive. For those who stuck with the government for months or years on end, they should look in the mirror and question who they trust.

Some have, others haven’t. I respect the ones who realize they were bamboozled. I have trouble forgiving those who stick to what is now clearly an untenable position. Anybody who still admires Fauci and company is a fool or worse.

All this will eventually come out. Unfortunately, nobody will go to jail. Fauci, for one, should be charged with perjury to Congress at the very least.


We can dream.

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