Morning Joe Crosses the Line, Big Time

(Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

One of the primary reasons that many people dislike or even loathe Donald Trump is that he runs his mouth off, and can be a real jerk.

But any fair, or even unfair look at his history as President of the United States demonstrates that he was actually more respectful of the limits of his office than Bush II, Obama, or certainly Joe Biden. Even when provoked beyond reason by law enforcement and intelligence agencies clearly violating the law in order to “get” him. Peter Strzok, anyone? Lies to the FISA Court? Remember that?


Unlike prior and subsequent presidents, he obeyed court decisions and followed the law scrupulously. Take a look at the Biden era and you can easily find examples where Biden thumbed his nose at the courts whenever he wanted, and he certainly has ignored federal laws with impunity. Think, say, following federal immigration laws, or his disobeying the court on student loan forgiveness.

None of this matters, though, to the members of the political elite and their MSM cronies. Any flaw you find with Trump’s use of language and hyperbole pales in comparison to what crap gets thrown at us by these vile creatures.

Donald Trump was president for 4 years, and exhibited not one of the traits that Mr. Morning Joe here accuses him of. In fact, many of the acts of lawlessness he claims Trump will commit are being committed right now under President Biden.

Did Donald Trump send the FBI and a special prosecutor to jail either Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, both of whom are very vulnerable to federal charges for espionage (a charge being leveled at Trump)? No. No he didn’t. Biden is doing this to Trump.


Did Donald Trump round up protestors and put them in solitary confinement for months based on a phony pretext that they were traitors to the country? No, no he didn’t. Biden has done this and continues to send SWAT teams to round up people who committed trespass.

Did Trump label Catholics and parents at school board meetings potential domestic terrorists because they opposed his policies? Obviously not. That is Joe Biden.

And, of course, we have more than sufficient evidence to believe that Biden sold government decisions to hostile governments, raking in corrupt cash for his family.

All these self-important members of the press who think they are so brave for standing up to Donald Trump are vile disgusting liars who apparently will say anything in order to stay in good with their paymasters. Trump is a jerk. He runs his mouth off. He has policies they don’t like.

And for that they slander him and everybody who supports him. It is beneath contempt. Being a jerk is hardly the same as longing to be a dictator.

We keep on hearing about how Trump’s use of superlatives are dangerous incitement. What, exactly, would you call this rant by Joe Scarborough? Telling the world that Trump is going to put people in camps and execute them, mirroring Hitler, is unquestionable intended to incite people.

Not only is it complete crap, but it doesn’t even make sense. If Trump were a real authoritarian he would have ignored courts whenever they defied him, but Mr. Morning Joe says the only reason Trump didn’t execute his opponents is because Judges who have no guns told him not to? Trump was Commander in Chief; the Courts? Not so much.


Make it make sense.

When Trump first claimed that the MSM is the “enemy of the people” I thought he was going overboard. It was hyperbole. But as with many things, he was right. These people are pond scum. No, they are the scum you scrape off your shoe after doing a particularly nasty plumbing job.

Trump was president for 4 years. Four years. And that strikes me as sufficient time for any murderous tendencies to show themselves. Yet despite years of lies, hounding by the media, slanders, and abuse of power being hurled at him he exhibited no inclination to abuse his power. He was beloved by the troops, yet he never appealed to them for their help, as a dictator would have.

To suggest he is Hitler, as Scarborough did is…I don’t have a strong enough word. It is one thing for a rando on the street to say that, and quite another for a MSM star to do so.

I have my problems with Trump. I think he is crude, demands unreasonable loyalty, is terrible at hiring people, and worst of all had no idea how to undermine the deep state and drain the swamp, but one thing I can say with confidence is that he didn’t abuse his power. Biden is far, far closer to the man Scarborough described, if still a long way off.

This reminds me of the argument made in 1984 that Reagan would bomb the Soviet Union if he got reelected. Newsflash: he was president already and didn’t need to get reelected to push the nuclear button if he wanted to. Yet this smear was repeated as if it made sense. Instead Reagan set the stage for the end of the Cold War.


Trump had the power of the presidency, didn’t abuse it, and now we are supposed to be quaking in our boots if he gets reelected?

In a sane world a producer would have run onto the set and ripped Morning Joe out of his seat for spewing such insanity; instead he will get a nice pay bump next contract period.


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