FBI Let Pedophile Go Because of January 6th; He Went on to Rape

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The FBI’s obsession with January 6th protesters has left a bunch of victims in its wake. For almost three years the Bureau has been focusing enormous resources to find, arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate people who for the most part did little more than trespass in the US Capitol.


Not only has the focus on the January 6th rioters been utterly disproportionate to the point of being oppressive, it has also caused the FBI to take their eyes off the ball. Time and again we see the FBI go off on a wild goose chase, looking for mythical Right-wing terrorists in Catholic Churches, at school board meetings, and in secret Islamophobic cabals. They are obsessed with the idea that there are insurrectionists everywhere except, you know, in those masses of crowds where Leftists declare they want to overturn the system.

The result? Actual predators who commit actual crimes are being let go. Even when the FBI has them dead to rights.

The Daily Wire has an extremely disturbing story up today about a particular case that should make you ill. It is beyond horrifying because it tells you a lot about how indifferent the Bureau is to actual victims and how much they care about prosecuting (and suppressing) conservatives.

The facts:

On December 2, 2020, an internet user with the screen name “gayboy69freak” messaged an undercover agent with the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who was posing as a father pimping out his 9-year-old son, and told him that he wanted to travel to D.C. to have sex with the boy. The man also sent the agent a video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis.” His IP address led the FBI to Brogan Welsh of Glenn Allen, Virginia.

What appears to be a slam-dunk case against a child predator was abruptly abandoned just one month later.

“On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office, [decided] this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day,” court documents say.


They had the man dead to rights. He was negotiating to get access to a child in order to rape him and demonstrated his intent by distributing horrific child pornography. Not only was the case a slam dunk, but more importantly the FBI had the opportunity to take a child rapist off the streets.

They chose not to. Not for any legal reasons, or to focus on defending the US government from an actual conspiracy to overthrow the government (as they pretend), but to pursue investigations that result in FBI SWAT teams raiding the houses of people who in many cases did little more than trespass. The FBI to this day spends enormous resources on monitoring people who, if they simply treated them normally, would turn themselves in. Instead, we get manhunts, presumably to generate publicity.

So why are there court documents that lay out this sorry history?

The man moved to Alaska where he started raping a young boy.

The man was only arrested, and the court documents only filed, because Welsh moved to Alaska and crossed the Anchorage FBI’s radar in an unrelated perversion investigation. On October 24, 2023, after coming across troubling chats from Welsh on a phone they seized from a different alleged pervert, Alaska FBI agents went into his house and “located items including sex toys that are very small in size and apparently consistent with the body size of an approximate 10-year-old boy,” as well as children’s underwear.

“The investigation has revealed that a 10-year-old boy was, in fact, residing at the residence belonging to Welsh,” the agents wrote.

In other words, because the FBI called off the dogs even after Welsh sent child porn to an FBI agent, he appears to have gone on to molest a 10-year-old.


These are the priorities of the FBI under Joe Biden.

To give you an idea of just how absurd the focus on January 6th has been, consider the Newsweek story from earlier this week where the “podium guy” describes his legal odyssey.

When Adam Johnson first heard the media describe him as an “insurrectionist,” he wasn’t sure he understood the correct meaning of the word. After Googling it, he said to himself: “Oh. That’s bad.”

This was shortly after he entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and was photographed with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lectern, thus becoming one of the poster children for an event some have likened to Pearl Harbor or the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Johnson has spent a few years being publicly contrite about his participation in the siege on the Capitol and cooperating with authorities, but not speaking much to the mainstream media that has largely dubbed him an insurrectionist who disrupted the peaceful transfer of power from former President Donald Trump to President Joe Biden.

When you read the interview with Johnson you discover a far less sinister figure than has been portrayed in the media. He literally just wandered into the Capitol because the door was open and the police seemed fine with him being there. He wasn’t part of the initial crush of people who actually did force their way into the Capitol, but more a tourist who wandered around.


Johnson said he wanted nothing to do with that group of rioters, so he wandered around for 10 minutes until he saw others walking into an open door. “I thought that’s where the protest was going,” he said. “I was under the impression that you were allowed to protest at the Capitol. I’ve seen it happen so often over the past 10 years.”

Once inside, he said, he broke from the pack and was roaming around alone for awhile.

“I was never ordered by police to not enter the building,” he said. “I was lost in the building and asked a police officer for directions to leave. He gave them to me, I thanked him and told him to stay safe.”

But prior to exiting, he got the notion to attempt to meet Pelosi, talk to her, maybe take a selfie, so he jiggled the handle of her locked door, then headed back to the Rotunda, which is when he saw an unattended “podium.”

Johnson, 37, said he had no idea it was Pelosi’s lectern and, when he saw news cameras pointed in his direction, he decided to grab it, then he smiled and winked at the photographers.

“I thought it would make a great picture, so I carried it 20 yards to the center of the room, gave a short speech and left it there.” His speech, he said, consisted of him railing against traitors and treason and his idea that budget items ought to be voted on separately.

Was Johnson wrong to enter the Capitol? Of course, although even the FBI had to concede he wasn’t a dangerous guy, and he was only convicted of a misdemeanor (after they had threatened to send him to jail for 20 years, they dropped most of the charges), but in order to convict him of a minor crime (they did manage to jail him for 71 days, which is hardly usual for a trespassing charge) they expended enormous resources.


For this they let a pedophile rape a child.

It was as FBI agents worked through the Alaska case that they realized that the bureau’s Washington Field Office had slam-dunk evidence that it had never bothered to do anything with, and added it to charging documents filed November 6, 2023. The Alaska arrest of Welsh was made based on the initial child pornography crime in Virginia, not even his apparent crimes in Alaska.

The Washington Field Office wouldn’t say how many other ordinary criminal investigations were put on hold because of January 6, but it did acknowledge that resources were diverted.

“In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, WFO resources were surged to support the FBI’s response and investigation,” the office told The Daily Wire in a statement. “However, WFO continued to diligently pursue its ongoing investigations. While we can’t speak to the specific circumstances of this case, the FBI takes all crimes against children investigations extremely seriously, and we must follow the facts where they lead and collect enough evidence to pursue prosecution.”

Really? If so, it appears that letting child rapists roam free is standard practice for the FBI, and I sure hope this isn’t the case. I would rather believe that the FBI is lying now than believe that they shrug at child rape.

This sort of admission, that a case was dropped, rarely appears in court filings, because a dropped investigation means nothing ever makes it to court. Welsh’s case is an exception because he tripped the wires of a different field office in Alaska, which picked up the case.

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,000 defendants in what they call the “Capitol Breach,” and more than 65,000 legal documents have been filed in the cases, according to a Daily Wire database. Investigators and prosecutors have limited time, so it turns out that all that work likely comes at the expense of the cases they’d normally be handling.


There are so many disturbing elements to this case, but I want to focus on just one more: it took The Daily Wire to bring it to light when the MSM should be trumpeting it to the world. It should be a national scandal, but the MSM is fully on board with prioritizing January 6th because doing so helps the Democrats.

They, too, care less about child rape than a 3-year-old riot. It’s not like other riots get this attention–quite the opposite. Only riots in which the establishment can smear Republicans.

This, my friends, is your elite law enforcement agency’s and your MSM’s view of the world: prosecuting trespassers is more important than child rape.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024