Greta's New Antisemitic Friend

AP Photo/Jason DeCrow

Greta Thunberg rose to fame by being a spoiled brat.

Sold to us as a conscience for the world, the climate prophet was held up to us as an icon to whom we should all feel allegiance. The United Nations treated her as if she were an ambassador for science when her main accomplishment was dropping out of high school.


As a young teen, her message was a mixture of talking points fed to her by adults whose main goal was to manipulate us, mixed with more than a little tantrum-like whining. At the time I didn’t share the contempt for her that many felt, not because I took her seriously, but because it seemed to me that she was being exploited by the adults around her.

Now that she is something of an (undereducated and still tantrum-having) adult I no longer feel bound to treat her as a victim; she is old enough to be held responsible for her actions. Unlike members of a cult, whom she resembles, she has access to the wider world and hence a responsibility to start thinking for herself.

Greta has come out already as a communist–which is bad enough–and now as a Hamas apologist. She will soon run out of extreme causes to attach herself to, so I expect her to soon proclaim that comets carrying aliens will usher in the apocalypse or something.

Except, come to think of it, she has already predicted an apocalypse whose date has already passed…

One of the talking points we are now being fed is that all those “peace” protestors aren’t antisemites, but virtuous defenders of children and innocent civilians in Gaza. They are fighting genocide, not defending terrorists.


No doubt this is true of some fraction of the protestors. People whose hearts have not been hardened to a dangerous extent are compelled to feel compassion for the few innocents of Gaza, who do exist, and pray for their safety or mourn their loss. That there are fewer than many believe does not relieve us of the responsibility to care for innocents. No baby or young child can be held responsible for the acts of their caretakers (unless they are White, in which case they are responsible for everything wrong with the world).

Greta has taken to hanging out with the more common variety of “peace” protesters, whose motivation is nothing less than wiping Israel off the map and killing as many Jews as possible. She is sharing the stage and handing the microphone with vicious antisemites who openly celebrate murder and brutality, including the rape of women and the beheading of children.

Climate icon Greta Thunberg (20) is becoming increasingly radical in her hatred of Israel. At a rally in Amsterdam, the “Fridays for Future” activist linked the fight FOR climate protection with the fight AGAINST Israel. Greta and her friends wore “Kufiya” scarves as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against the Jewish state.

One of the friends, to whom Greta even gave the microphone at times, stood out for her particular radicalism: Sara Rachdan. Palestinian, scientist and ardent Jew-hater.

Rachdan’s statements on her internet platforms prove just how radical and anti-Semitic Greta’s environment has become. They show that “Fridays for Future” now even tolerates and promotes the worst Holocaust trivializers and open terror supporters in its ranks.

The Instagram page of Rachdan, a PhD student at the Faculty of Medicine in Amsterdam, is a collection of misanthropy and hatred towards Jews.

▶︎ On October 9, two days after Palestinian Hamas terrorists from Gaza slaughtered more than 1200 Israelis, Rachdan cheered the attack. The Palestinians are “finally breaking free”, she said. She then called for support for the terror: “Yes, this attack was initiated by Hamas, but it’s not about Hamas. It’s about the Palestinian resistance. This is finally a Palestinian action against the occupation. Please support the resistance.”


There is much more about Greta’s new friend and you should follow the link, but you get the idea. Greta and her handlers have never been concerned with saving the Earth, but as with so many other Leftists, their goal is the eradication of Capitalism and Western Culture.

Greta the icon was created for this very purpose, and she is fulfilling it well. The transnational Elite raised her up as an example to young folks, and as you can see from the action around the world the propaganda has been working well.

A generation of Westerners–two or three, actually–have been raised to loathe what the West stands for, and are destroying it from within.

The irony is rich. The Left may exalt in the thrill of destruction, but as with all revolutionary movements, fellow travelers and many of the leaders will be among the first up against the wall if it ever comes to that. The most radical always take out their bourgeoise and elite supporters.

This is the way of revolutions, which eat their own. The Greta Thunbergs will likely rise to the top, or she may be the Trotsky who gets taken out.

Who knows?

The only hope is that it is not too late in Europe for the sane middle classes to push back. I fear that it is.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024