Yes, MSM Is the 'Enemy of the People'

(AP Photo, File)

As with so many things, Donald Trump has a remarkable ability to say things that are true, while doing so in a way that manages to delight or enrage people depending on who they are.


He doesn’t persuade; he proclaims. This is one of his great strengths and weaknesses. You love him or hate him.

One of his proclamations that most triggered people was that the MSM was the “enemy of the people.” The statement has the virtue of being true and the handicap of sounding loony to people who don’t believe it already.

Biased? Yes, most people understand that and agree. But “enemy?” That sounds extreme to them.

It sounded extreme to me not so long ago, and for years I have been a harsh critic of the media. Bias implies that they favored one side over the other; “enemy” means that they are trying to destroy you and me.

Yeah, well, Trump was right. They are trying to destroy you and me, at least as free people enjoying liberty, living prosperous lives, and living under the rule of law as determined by our Constitution. They really do want to fundamentally reshape American society, and part of that means disempowering people they don’t like.

Time and again the media proves that they want you and me to sit down, shut up, and do what we are told. They push for censorship, they lie all the time, they cover for Democrat malfeasance, and shill for radical Left-wing policies.


The sheer brazenness and quantity of propaganda are breathtaking. When the media really wants us to believe something they begin chanting in unison. It can get creepy.

That is, no doubt, why you come to Hot Air and other alternative media sites. You can rest assured we will not be singing along or chanting with the rest of the choir. Agree or disagree–we sometimes disagree with each other–you know that none of us has a list of talking points to repeat. We tell you what we think.

In return for our efforts Big Tech and Big Media work to undermine us mercilessly. Fake “fact checkers” try to discredit us. “Disinformation experts” deride our work. And Big Tech stealth censors us by demonetizing our content on controversial subjects.

If you read anything on trans issues, assume it was demonetized. “Misinformation?”–likely demonetized. Pretty much any culture war article has a decent shot at being demonetized, and God forbid we show you photographs that appear in those books Democrats put in elementary school libraries–instant ban. (No, I am not kidding–it can be in a Middle School library, but put it on the internet and Google will demonetize you instantly).

If we repeat the approved Narrative we could make more money–but then what would be the point? For the low low price of our souls, we could get rich!


Being an approved member of the establishment has its perks. It’s why the establishment persists.

I have long known that my income would shoot up if I changed my political views–at least what I say my political views are–and have never been tempted. There is a grifter class, but I am too much of a loudmouth to fit into it. I like to tell people what I think, so I do. That’s not because I am virtuous or sacrificing anything–it is just my personality. Always has been. I’d be bored if I tried to mouth the Narrative™.

Clearly, our approach at Hot Air appeals to you because you are here. Like us, you are willing to deal with reality and the truth, even if it isn’t what the powers that be want you to believe.

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I know it gets annoying to get membership plugs as if we were NPR or PBS, but the fact is that we don’t get government funding like they do, or any of those fancy “sponsorships” that make those outlets among the most wealthy in the media ecosphere. We do it the hard way, by twisting your arm!

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