Even the German Left Is Backing Off Immigration

(AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

Act in haste, repent in leisure, Germany.

Back when Angela Merkel was in charge Germany went all-in on open borders, importing a million to a million and a half “refugees” from the third world. At the time, many Germans either felt or feigned a welcoming attitude toward the influx, but as time moved on Germans discovered that those crusty old racistsexisthomophobiccolonialistDEIhatingconservatives actually were 100% right.


It was a very very bad idea. And Germans are sick of it.

So sick of it, in fact, that even the Green(!!) Party is calling for reforms and even deportations of illegal migrants.

It is quite a change, and too little of it has to do with actually caring about the dangers of open borders and too much has to do with the fact that AfD (Alternative for Germany) is rapidly gaining political ground based on its anti-immigrant platform.

The collapse of German society may not move policymakers to reform their dangerous ways, but fear of an electoral drubbing is working wonders when it comes to focusing the mind. The German Greens, for instance, are quite Left-wing and internationalist, but they are changing their tune, as are others.

BERLIN — You know fears over immigration and the rise of the far right are boiling over in Germany when even the Greens are calling for a crackdown on illegal asylum seekers.

In a remarkable intervention on Monday, Green co-chair Ricarda Lang — whose party is usually known for advocating a moderate course on migration — criticized key officials from her two coalition partners for not doing enough to ensure that asylum seekers without a valid reason to stay, such as fleeing a warzone, are being sent back to their home countries.

There’s no doubt the political temperature is rising fast in Germany. A poll published Tuesday showed that the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party has become the strongest political force in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, making it the fourth eastern German state — after Brandenburg, Thuringia and Saxony — in which the far-right is leading in polls. This is particularly spooking established parties as the latter three states are heading to the polls in September next year, raising the possibility that the AfD might, for the first time, win power at state level.


The German media has been doing to AfD what the US media has done to MAGA: demonize it. But, like MAGA, the message hits many people where they live, and the result has been an evaporation of legitimacy that used to be accorded to the political and media elite.

There has been such a dissonance between what people are told, that diversity is our strength, and what people experience–that society is crumbling–that the propaganda isn’t working.

The solution: pretend to care about what people want.

The Greens’ Lang lashed out at Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who is from Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), and Germany’s special envoy for immigration, Joachim Stamp from the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), saying that they must “finally make progress on repatriation agreements” with non-EU countries to facilitate the deportations. The government must act “to avoid more and more people arriving,” Lang said.

Germans aren’t angry about immigration simply because people who look different from them have arrived; the simple fact is that as refugees from the Middle East stream in the quality of life goes down, and people are feeling legitimately scared by the social trends in their country.

When a hundred thousand people flood the streets to celebrate Hamas, it’s hard to pretend that everything is fine.

Across the political spectrum, in a reprise of Mayor Adams’ epiphany, German elites have suddenly discovered the obvious: importing undereducated and often radicalized masses of people might not be a smart idea. It is expensive, angers people, and threatens the social fabric.


These unusual remarks from a senior Green politician come as the FDP of Finance Minister Christian Lindner on Monday adopted a position paper vowing to cut social payments for asylum seekers. The FDP also wants to convince its coalition partners to declare Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria as “safe” countries of origin, which would make it easier to send asylum seekers from those countries back home.

These actions highlight the extent to which Germany’s ruling coalition of the SPD, FDP and Greens is beginning to panic as migration numbers keep rising — in August alone, about 15,100 illegal border crossings were registered, marking a 40 percent increase compared to July — and an increasing number of Germans are turning toward the AfD.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned Wednesday that Germany “is at breaking point,” as 162,000 people applied for asylum in the country within the first half of the year. That’s “more than a third of all applications within the EU,” Steinmeier added in an interview with Italy’s Corriere della Sera.

It’s good to see that German politicians are waking up, but it’s hard to see how closing the door now will undo the damage. The ruling coalition has approved measures to speed up deportations of ineligible asylum seekers, but nobody believes that it is possible to deport over a million people.

They should never have been let in, of course, but that offended the sensibilities of all the “right” people.


Some lessons are learned too late to do any good. Let’s hope that the open-door policy of the Europeans is not one of those. I fear that it is, though.

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